Michael Francis, Western University
The b-tangent bundle (terminology due to Melrose) is defined so that its sections are smooth vector fields on the base manifold tangent along a given hypersurface. Complex b-manifolds, studied by Mendoza, are defined just like ordinary complex manifolds, replacing the usual tangent bundle by the b-tangent bundle. Recently, a Newlander-Nirenberg theorem for b-manifolds was obtained by Francis-Barron, building on Mendoza's work. This talk will discuss the extension of the latter result to the setting of b^k-geometry for k>1. The original approach to b^k-geometry is due to Scott. A slightly different approach that allows for global holonomy phenomena not present in Scott's framework was introduced by Francis and, independently, by Bischoff-del Pino-Witte.
This seminar will be held both online and in person:
- Room: MC 5417
- Zoom link: https://uwaterloo.zoom.us/j/94186354814?pwd=NGpLM3B4eWNZckd1aTROcmRreW96QT09