"Embedding Lattices into the Computably Enumerable Degrees"

Thursday, August 6, 2015 2:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Jonny Stephenson, Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo

The question of which finite lattices can be embedded into the c.e.
degrees first arose with the construction of a minimal pair by Yates,
and independently by Lachlan, showing the 4 element Boolean algebra
can be embedded. This result was rapidly generalised to show any
finite distributive lattice can also be embedded. For non-distributive
lattices, the situation is more complicated.

There are two minimal nondistributive lattices M_5 and N_5 with the
property that a lattice is nondistributive if and only if it contains
one as a sublattice. Both of these lattices are embeddable (but not
all nondistributive lattices are). In this talk we will discuss the
use of the pinball machine method to give an embedding of M_5.

M3 4206