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Friday, November 14, 2014 2:32 pm - 2:32 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

"Supercuspidal types and the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence for GL_2"

Lassina Dembele, University of Warwick

In this talk, we revisit the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence for GL2. We restate this corre- spondence using the notion of supercuspidal types. Our reformulation was motivated by algorithmic questions related to the generalized Fermat equation. We will give several examples which illustrate its usefulness.

MC 5136B **Please note Room**
Thursday, March 5, 2015 1:30 pm - 1:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

“Quadratic points on hyperelliptic curves”

Jennifer Park, McGill University

Using the ideas of Poonen and Stoll, we develop a modified version of Chabauty’s method, which shows that a positive proportion of hyperelliptic curves have as few quadratic points as possible.

MC 5479

Thursday, November 19, 2015 1:30 pm - 1:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

“A higher rank Selberg sieve and applications”

Akshaa Vatwani, Queen’s University

“A higher rank Selberg sieve and applications”

We present a general higher rank Selberg sieve and apply it to various questions in number theory. In particular, we improve upon a result of Heath-Brown on almost prime k-tuples. This is joint work with Professor Ram Murty.

MC 5479