Event Background

It is with great excitement that we call for institutions to express interest in participating in a two-day workshop “Building an Inter-Institutional and Cross-Functional Research Data Management Community: From Strategy to Implementation.” This in-person event will be offered from September 27-29, 2023, at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and has been made possible in part by generous support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Our thanks also to in-kind and cash support from the University of Waterloo, University of Calgary, University of Ottawa, the Canadian Association of Research Libraries, OCLC, Compute Ontario, and the Digital Research Alliance of Canada.

What is the workshop?

  • Facilitate inter-institutional collaboration on research data management programs by selecting cohorts of three individuals from post-secondary institutions across Canada. Each cohort will include a research administrator, an IT professional, and a librarian.
  • Each individual is expected to understand both their research data management strategies, as well as the challenges and successes that they have encountered on their respective campuses. With available bursaries, select researchers will also share their own experiences with research data management.
  • For further event details and a tentative schedule, click here.

What are the anticipated outcomes?

  • Allow participants to share institutional research data management best practices and discuss implementation strategies with the aim of helping institutions meet both the letter and spirit of the Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy.
  • Those attending the workshop component will also join a community support mailing list to facilitate collaboration after the event.
  • Following the workshop, a White Paper will be released (English/French) summarizing the results of the workshop and recommended next steps for the research data management community. 

Event background

After the Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy was released in March 2021, Canadian post-secondary institutions received a mandate to create and publish their own institutional Research Data Management strategies by March 1, 2023. With Data Management Plans (DMPs) being piloted in a series of competitions across the Tri-Agencies and Canadian Institutional Strategies now widely available, Canadian institutions need to focus on implementation.

Effective research data management plays a pivotal role in setting researchers up for success while nurturing a culture of research excellence. Well-developed research data management programs will provide Canadian researchers with a competitive and collaborative research advantage, which in turn supports Canadian economic and social well-being.

Applications are now closed

Thank you to everyone who applied to participate in the workshop. Applications are now closed and successful applicants will be notified on July 10th, 2023.

Please note: We anticipate being able to accommodate approximately ten cohorts, so please note that this may be a competitive process. Cohorts will be selected in order to ensure a diversity of institutions and participant perspectives.

Contact us

If you have any questions or are looking for further information, please email us at institutional-rdm-workshop@uwaterloo.ca.