Former Lab Members


PhD. Students

Courtney Robichaud (2017-2021) Multi-trophic effects of invasive species suppression in a coastal wetland

Jody Daniel (2017-2020) The Role of Wetland Pond Permanence in the Assembly of Biological Communities in the Prairie Potholes of Alberta

MSc. Students

Grace Lew-Kowal (2022-2024) Enhanced Precision of Aerial Herbicide Application for Invasive Species Management

Catriona Leven (2021-2024) Wetland hydrology and the impacts of beaver dams in the Upper Columbia River floodplain wetlands

Marissa Zago (2020-2022) Wetland birds and invasive plant management

Danny McIsaac (2020-2022) Local and landscape drivers of aquatic biodiversity in urban stormwater management facilities

Megan Jordan (2020-2022) Native Wetland Plant Recovery Following Phragmites australis Invasion

Lauren Koiter (2018-2021) The effect of glyphosate on bacteria and archaea community composition in freshwater biofilms

Calvin Lei (2018-2020) Vegetation diversity in mountain peatland systems

Jordan Reynolds (2018-2020) Avian species richness elevational patterns in mountain peatlands

Owen Royall (2018-2020) Evaluating the development and use of a rapid wetland assessment tool (ABWRET-A) in policy implementation in Alberta, Canada

Hillary Quinn-Austin (2018-2020) Movement of mature and early life stages of the Grand River walleye (Sander vitreus) population in Lake Erie's eastern basin

Heather Polowyk (2017-2020) Eleocharis geniculata (Bent Spike-rush) Great Lakes Plains population: conservation in the face of invasion

Sarah Yuckin (2016-2018) Detecting the effects of biological invasion and subsequent control efforts on wetland ecological processes

Matthew Bolding (2016-2018) Vegetation Based Assessment of Wetland Condition in the Prairie Pothole Region

Graham Howell (2015-2017) Best Management Practices for Invasive Phragmites Control

Jennifer Gleason (2015-2017) Aquatic macroinvertebrate communities and diversity patterns in the Northern Prairie Pothole Region

Daina Anderson (2015-2017) Monitoring Wetland Integrity and Restoration Success with Avifauna in the Prairie Pothole Region of Alberta, Canada

Courtney Robichaud (2015-2016) Long-term Effects of a Phragmites australis Invasion on Birds in a Lake Erie Coastal Marsh

Nicole Meyers (2014-2015, 2017-2018) Use of Water Isotope Tracers to Characterize the Hydrology of Prairie Wetlands in Alberta

Adam Kraft (2014-2016) Physicochemical and Vegetative Responses of Prairie Wetlands to Local Land Covers

Heather Polan (2013-2015) Land Use and Climate Influence Marshes in the Northern Prairie and Parkland Region

BSc. Honours Students

Estella Crosby (2022-2023)

Emilie Montreuil-Strub (2021-2022) Microplastics in the biofilm diet of mayfly larvae

Claire Estey (2019-2020) Introduction to mycorrhizal associations in boreal peatlands

Kimberley Kleinke (2018-2019) Methane fluxes from wetland tree trunks

Calvin Lei (2018-2019) Rooting depth in invaded and uninvaded marsh

Taleeha Waheed (2017-2018) Assessment of pesticide risk to wetland aquatic biota through analysis of periphyton

Neva Demules (2016-2017) Evaluating the toxic effects of a new Glyphosate-based herbicide formulation used to control Phragmites australis invasion at Crown Marsh, Lake Erie: a study of non-target Species, Hyallela azteca

Claire Chan (2016-2017) Is severing invasive Phragmites australis at the rhizomes an effective method in controlling its growth?

Jaimie Bortolotti (2016-2017) Macroinvertebrate community composition differs among wetland microhabitats in the Albertan prairie pothole region

Kevin De Hann (2016-2017) Environmental controls on drivers that correlate with spatial patterns in variation of Betula spp. (shrub), Betula papyrifera, and Salix spp. in a poor fen-birch swamp peatland complex of North-Central Alberta

Meaghan Quanz (2015-2016) The effect of salinity on phytoplankton productivity and community structure in Boreal, saline fens

Jenelle Motz (2014-2015) Does observer presence influence estimates of avian species richness?

Shuya Huang (2014-2015) Comparing invertebrate samples from three microhabitats and two vegetation zones in non-permanent wetlands

Justin Hoffman (2013-2014) Bird diversity and abundance in monitoring for wetland restoration effectiveness in Luther Marsh, ON


Post-doctoral Fellows

Dr. Matthew Duda (2022)

Dr. Autumn Watkinson (2021-2022)

Dr. Sarah French (2019-2021)

Dr. Laura Beecraft (2018-2021)

Dr. Cari Ficken (2018-2020)

Dr. Mazda Kompanizare (2016-2017)

Research Associates

Dr. Joanna Majarreis (2019-2020)

Jess Ives (2017-2020)

Dr. Janice Gilbert (2016-2018)


Grace Lew-Kowal (2024-2025)

Robyn Larkin (2024, 2025)

Jordyne Wong (2024)

Kim Bartlett (2024)

Sav Edwards (2024)

Allison Yang (2024)

Hayden Epp (2023-2024)

Hannah Thibault (2023)

Natasha Neves (2023)

Andrii Kramarenko (2023)

Indigo Sibanda (2023)

Eilish Neilly (2023)

Disha Gautam (2022-2023)

Adrienne Mason (2021-2022)

Annie Packovitch (2021)

Catriona Leven (2019-2021)

Kyra Lam (2021)

Erin Ford (2021)

Lisa Yu (2021)

Aaron Packull (2021)

Becca Lovegrove (2021)

Wyatt Weatherson (2019)

Matthew Bolding (2018-2021)

Bailey Ruest (2018)

Jessie Pearson (2017-2018)

Graham Howell (2014, 2017)

Cheryl Reyes (2016)

Hufsa Khan (2016)

Brandon Baer (2015)

Jacob Basso (2015, 2018-2020)

Emma Hawley-Yan (2015) 

Courtney Robichaud (2013-2014)