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Rebecca Rooney
Associate Professor

519-888-4567 x43820
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Visit Dr. Rooney's Profile Page
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Rebecca Rooney
Lilhac Medina
Postdoctoral Fellow

Jersey Fontz
PhD. Candidate

Gab Izma
PhD. Candidate

Rachel McNamee
PhD. Candidate

Link to profile:
Rachel McNamee
Émilie Montreuil Strub
PhD. Candidate

Claire Schon
PhD. Candidate

Josh Pickering
PhD. Student

Andrii Kramarenko
MSc. Student

Liahm Ruest
MSc. Student

Hayden Epp
MSc. Student

Megan Jordan
Research Technician

Ryan Graham
Field Technician

Ashlyn DeBoer
Senior Honours Thesis Student

Molly Lu
Senior Honours Thesis Student

Kiernan Phillips
Senior Honours Thesis Student

Jennifer Zhou
Senior Honours Thesis Student

Link to profile:
Jennifer Zhou
Robyn Larkin
Co-op Student

Link to profile:
Robyn Larkin