The Rooney Lab is recruiting a Postdoctoral Fellow to apply the Conservation Standards approach to assess the threats of invasive species in wetlands of Ontario’s Priority Place, Long Point Walsingham Forest, with special emphasis on species at risk recovery

Background: Environment & Climate Change Canada–Canadian Wildlife Service (ECCC-CWS) released their conservation and action plan for the Long Point Walsingham Forest Priority Place, following the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation. Invasive species were identified as a key threat to the coastal wetlands through this process, leading to the goal that 90% of the vegetation in the Coastal Wetlands be native by 2025.
Position Description and Duties:
- Work collaboratively with partners in ECCC-CWS, Nature Conservancy of Canada, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Birds Canada to develop a strategy using the Conservation Standards.
- Develop a wetland monitoring program to support early detection/rapid response of novel invasive wetland plants & support the safe management of established ones.
- Evaluate the effects of invasive Phragmites australis management on select federal Species At Risk & native vegetation recovery.
- Participate actively in lab learning and collaborative research endeavours, including mentoring graduate students.
- Start date flexible, but commence by January 2022
- $50,000/y for two years, with renewal contingent on performance
Required: PhD in Conservation Biology, Invasion Biology, or related field; a record of research excellence and scientific publishing; strong oral and written communication skills; demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with NGO and government partners; expertise in env. monitoring and assessment.
Desired: Experience with the Conservation Standards; past successes in knowledge co-production with non-academic partners; technical skills in experimental design, community analysis, coding in R.
Instructions: Applications due July 30, 2021. Email, Subject: Priority Place PDF 2021;
- Cover letter stating your research interests and relevant experience and qualifications (see above);
- A short CV noting your scientific and leadership contributions;
- Contact information for 3 references.
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
Rooney Lab is committed to equity in hiring and BIPOC and LGBTQ2S+ individuals are encouraged to apply.