Responsible Investing

St. Jerome’s University acknowledges its responsibility to align its investing strategy and priorities to its mission as a socially responsible Roman Catholic institution focused on contributing to a more ethical and just society.

As a responsible investor, the University utilizes responsible investing practices and tools.

What is Responsible Investing?

Responsible Investing is an approach that offers an institution the opportunity to seek financial returns through a sustainable and holistic investing approach.

By employing an active decision-making model that guides the investment activity of the University, the objective is twofold: to strategically align the utilization of the University’s assets to advance its mission in the broader public through proactive investment practices while generating returns that support the financial strength of the University to continue its mission-based activity.

How is Responsible Investing implemented?

Responsible Investing is implemented through screening practices.

EnvironmentalSocial, and Governance (ESG) factors are utilized to gather information about potential and current investing opportunities to support a fully informed investment decision-making strategy.

ESG measures allow the University to make informed decisions regarding its investments through a systematic approach to understand its global environment, social, and governance impact and scope as an investor.

Environmental factors

  • Climate Change
  • Greenhouse emissions
  • Resource depletion
  • Waste and pollution
  • Deforestation

Social factors

  • Working conditions, including slavery and child labour
  • Local communities, including indigenous communities
  • Conflict
  • Health and safety
  • Employee relations and diversity

Governance factors

  • Executive pay
  • Bribery and corruption
  • Political lobbying and donations
  • Board diversity and structure
  • Tax strategy

Responsible Investing principles

In alignment with the University's Policies and Procedures, the University commits to maintaining the following principles of accountability to act with fiduciary responsibility.

Principle 1

We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.

  • Continue to make ESG issues a priority within University investment policies.
  • Use tools to analyze, measure, and track our ESG performance.
  • Continue to utilize ESG as a criteria of evaluation for our investment managers.
  • Continue to utilize ESG assessments and analysis to determine future portfolio direction.
  • Encourage academic and other research on this theme.

Principle 2

We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.

  • Encourage the University's Investment Managers to adopt ESG focused voting policies where relevant.
  • Supporting corporate and regulatory proposals which contribute to improved governance practices.
  • Participate in collaborative engagement initiatives.
  • Ask Investment Managers to undertake and reporting on ESG-related engagement.

Long term objective:

  • To determine feasibility of a proxy voting alliance.

Principle 3

We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest.

  • Identify standardized ESG performance reporting as a requirement within the University’s Specific Investment Policies and Procedures.
  • Assess ESG performance with the University’s Investment Managers to determine holdings and future strategy.
  • Support collaborative shareholder initiatives and resolutions promoting ESG disclosures.

Long term objectives:

  • To incorporate ESG performance within annual financial reports.

Principle 4

We will promote acceptance and implementation of the principles within the investment industry.

  • Include principles related requirements in procuring investment management services (RFPs).
  • Align investment mandates, monitoring procedures, and performance indicators accordingly.
  • Continuously communicate University’s expectations to align with ESG principles.
  • Support Investment Manager’s development and utilization of tools for benchmarking ESG integration.

Principle 5

We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the principles.

  • Support and participate in networks and information platforms to share tools, pool resources, and make use of investor reporting as a source of learning.
  • Collectively address relevant emerging issues.
  • Develop or support appropriate collaborative initiatives.

Principle 6

We will report on our activities and progress towards implementing the principles.

  • Disclose how ESG issues are integrated within investment practices.
  • Report on progress and/or achievements relating to the principles using a comply-or-explain approach.
  • Seek to determine the impact of the responsible investing principles.
  • Make use of reporting to raise awareness among a broader group of stakeholders.