Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Academic building at St. Jerome's with Canadian flag and Pride flag
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Phase 1: Final Report and Recommendations

EDI Phase 1: Final Report and Recommendations

Phase 2: Action Plan Report (May 2023)

SJU Phase 2: Action Plan Report (May 2023)

Phase 3: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee

Phase 3: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee


Carol Ann MacGregor

Diana Lobb

Kim Madume

Stacey Jacobs

Saman Zaidi

Michelle Watson


Committee Chair, Vice President Academic  and Dean

Faculty, Lecturer, Department of English

Staff, Development Assistant

CAS, Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies

Students' Union, VP Academic

Director, Human Resources

EDI Committee Terms of Reference

Scope and purpose

The St. Jerome’s University Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Steering Committee (EDI-SC) is a permanent committee reporting to the President of St. Jerome’s University. A commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion is an important expression of a Catholic institution’s commitment to the dignity of the human person and, as such, this committee is key to St. Jerome’s mission.

The primary responsibility of the committee is to provide oversight and accountability to ensure that the recommendations of the President’s Advisory Group on Equity Diversity and Inclusion Phase II Action Plan are implemented. In doing this work, the committee may identify matters related to policy, governance, or organizational culture that require institutional level oversight.

The EDI-SC is responsible for dispersing any budgetary funds allocated to implementation of the report’s recommendation by the institution during the annual budgeting process or as identified as part of a donation for this purpose. The EDI-SC also is responsible for any efforts to collect data on matters related to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

When the Phase II Action Plans have been successfully implemented the EDI-SC will work in conjunction with the President to establish a process for a strategic planning initiative to determine new priorities for the committee to focus on. In the course of doing its work the EDI-SC will invite other university leaders with oversight and responsibility for areas named in the Phase II report to share with the committee how progress is being made towards implementation.

The EDI-SC will work with the relevant senior leader if there are areas of concern identified by the EDI-SC that would impact the likelihood of successfully implementing the Phase II report recommendations. The EDI-SC works in partnership with and benefits from the guidance of the Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Anti-Racism at University of Waterloo, the St. Jerome’s Indigenous Advisory Circle, the Office of Indigenous Relations at the University of Waterloo, and other offices charged with supporting inclusive excellence.

The EDI-SC does not: - Approve or review all EDI work at the institution. In all areas of the university employees, offices, and committees have the ability to do EDI work relevant to their portfolios in consultation with their manager/senior leader. Such work benefits most from expertise generated by relevant professional associations and disciplinary experts but the EDI-in- Action Group (EDI-A) may be a source of support for early idea brainstorming and feedback. - Plan events or communications campaigns related to significant dates for members of minoritized or equity-deserving groups. Folks with an interest in being involved in planning for such events or who wish to propose a new idea related to such an event may work with the EDI-in-Action Group (EDI-A). 

EDI Committee Protocols

EDI Committee protocols

  1. Elections for the Committee shall generally take place in May with appointments running September 1 to August 30 except when a committee vacancy requires an election on a different timeline.
  2. To ensure continuity, the Chair shall normally be one of the two ex-officio members but if neither ex-officio member is available to serve, the Chair shall be voted on by all members of the group.
  3. The Committee meets monthly at a standard time determined by members' schedules. Given the nature of the group’s work and the emphasis on collaboration, the group endeavors to meet in person whenever possible but provides an online option where it is needed.
  4. The Committee generally works towards consensus but may elect to put matters to a vote where necessary to address an impasse. In any voting matters, the vote shall be conducted by secret ballot and decided based on a majority vote (4 of 6 members). A tie vote shall be reported to the President who may elect to break the tie or refer the matter back to the committee for further discussion. 
  5. The Committee shall provide an oral report to the SJU Assembly at least once per academic year and shall provide an annual written report for the President who may report or delegate the reporting of the results to other stakeholder groups.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Report and Support Form

If you have experienced or witnessed an incident that you are concerned about and may fall under the category of exclusion, discrimination, harassment, or any other form of unacceptable behaviour within the St. Jerome’s University community, you are invited to complete this form. You can also use it to help us identify areas where there might be a need for improvement in terms of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). The purpose of this form is to help community members get their information to the right person as quickly as possible so that they can be informed of relevant support services and university policies and processes.

This form can be used to submit anonymous reports for those not comfortable disclosing their identity. No identifying information is collected through submission of this report unless you choose to disclose.

This form will be received by St. Jerome’s University’s Director, Human Resources to review and direct to the most appropriate department/person. You will receive a response within three business days from the Director, Human Resources (or their delegate if they are out of office) to notify you which department/person your submission has been directed to (unless no response needed has been indicated).

The information in this form will only be provided to individuals or offices as required in order to provide support or address your concern. If you disclose your identify, you will be notified if there is a need to inform any other offices or individuals at St. Jerome’s University or University of Waterloo about the information shared. The confidentiality and privacy of those who have submitted reports will be respected to the greatest extent possible. There are situations where there are limits to confidentiality, such as when legal obligations exist to report or investigate incidents. If you disclose your identity, the department/person your report is directed to will discuss any limits to confidentiality with you that may exist.

This form and process does not replace or override any university policy or Collective Agreement, both of which would be followed if/when the form resulted in information relevant to such documents.

If you have any questions about this form, they can be directed to the Director, Human Resources (michelle.watson@uwaterloo.ca).

Do you wish to remain anonymous?
If yes, please provide as many details as possible about the nature of the situation or suggestion you want to share since it will not be possible to follow up with you. Please note that there may be limits to any potential resolution if there is not enough information provided.
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