Institute for Religion, Culture, and Societal Futures

Institute for Religion, Culture and Societal Futures logo on a dark green background

The Institute for Religion, Culture and Societal Futures (IRCSF) is Canada’s hub for social scientific and empirical research related to religion, spirituality, and emerging forms of communities of belief and practice. The IRCSF is non-partisan, and brings together both resident and visiting scholars working in the fields of sociology of religion and the social scientific study of religion to support undergraduate and graduate students, community organizations, faith groups, schools, the media, and the general public in better understanding the religious landscape of Canada and connections between religion, spirituality, secularity and other aspects of public and social life. The IRCSF hosts talks and workshops, publishes reports, media releases and social media posts, and provides consulting services.

Pie graph showing percentages of Religious populations in 2023, with No Religion being the largest at 35% and Catholic being the second largest at 30%.

Thematic Areas of Research

  1. Religion data trends in Canada and internationally, including on religious and non-religious diversity
  2. The new social and political boundaries of religion, spirituality and culture
  3. Religion and spirituality in schools
  4. The realities and futures of Catholic life in Canada

Institute Leadership

Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme wearing a blue blouse, smiling in front of a white background.

Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme, Director

Professor Wilkins-Laflamme has been teaching at the University of Waterloo’s Department of Sociology and Legal Studies since 2015. She is currently an associate professor there. Her research areas are sociology of religion, quantitative methods, race, ethnicity and immigration, political sociology and social change. Her books include 1) None of the Above: Nonreligious Identity in the US and Canada, co-authored with Joel Thiessen and published in 2020 with New York University Press; 2) Religion at the Edge: Nature, Spirituality, and Secularity in the Pacific Northwest, co-edited with Paul Bramadat and Patricia Killen and published in 2022 with British Columbia University Press; and 3) Religion, Spirituality and Secularity among Millennials: The Generation Shaping American and Canadian Trends, published in 2022 with Routledge.  

Click here to learn more about Professor Wilkins-Laflamme and her work.

Carol Ann in a yellow collar cardigan behind a brown bookshelf

Carol Ann MacGregor, Associate Director

Carol Ann MacGregor has served as Vice President Academic and Dean (VPAD) at St. Jerome's University since 2021. She is tenured faculty in the Department of Sociology and Legal Studies at St. Jerome's and was previously an Associate Professor of Sociology at Loyola University New Orleans. Her research on Catholic K-12 education, religious non-affiliation, and religion and civic engagement, has appeared in journals including American Catholic Studies, American Sociological Review, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, and Social Science Research. Her work has received Outstanding Article awards from the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion and the American Sociological Association's Section of Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity.

Click here to learn more about Carol Ann MacGregor and her work.

Galen Watts wearing a blue suit jacket, smiling in front of a bookshelf

Galen Watts, Associate Director

Galen Watts is an Assistant Professor in the Sociology and Legal Studies department at the University of Waterloo. Between 2020-2022 he was a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow based jointly at KU Leuven and the University of Toronto. His first book, The Spiritual Turn: The Religion of the Heart and the Making of Romantic Liberal Modernity, published in 2022 with Oxford University Press, won the 2023 Society for the Study of Religion’s Distinguished Book Award. He has published articles in venues such as Journal of the American Academy of Religion, American Journal of Cultural Sociology, Civic Sociology, The Sociological Review, and European Journal of Social Theory.

Click here to learn more about Galen Watts and his work.


Upcoming Events

Event poster; details provided on webpage

"What If There Is No Such Thing as Religion? Implications for Secularization Theory," with Kevin N. Flatt from Redeemer University.Thursday, March 6 @ 2:30-3:30pm EST. This hybrid talk will take place in-person at St. Jerome's University in Waterloo, Ontario, and virtually on Zoom. All welcome. 

Please fill out the registration form to attend this free event.

For people who plan on attending the in person event, a room location will be shared via email once you have completed your event registration.

Past Events

Poster for Dynamics of (Non)Religious Modernity: Dispatches from Baby-Boomers in Quebec

“Dynamics of (Non)Religious Modernity: Dispatches from Baby-Boomers in Quebec,” with Géraldine Mossière

Lecture recording available on the IRCSF YouTube channel

Poster for Transnational Politics of Christian Persecution between the United States and Middle East

“Transnational Politics of Christian Persecution between the United States and Middle East,” with Miray Philips

Lecture recording available on the IRCSF YouTube channel

Poster for The State and Future of the Soiology of Religion in Canada

“The State and Future of the Sociology of Religion in Canada,” with Lori Beaman, Jacob Legault-Leclair, Sam Reimer and Joel Thiessen

Lecture recording available on the IRCSF YouTube channel

Poster for The Study of Religion in Canada and the Launch of the IRCSF

"The Study of Religion in Canada and the Launch of the IRCSF,” with Carol Ann MacGregor, Galen Watts and Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme

Lecture recording available on the IRCSF YouTube channel

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Social Media

Carol Ann MacGregor, Sarah Laflamme and Galen Watts standing together in a classroom