Dr. Carol Ann MacGregor

Vice President Academic and Dean
Carol Ann in a yellow collar cardigan behind a brown bookshelf

Office of the Vice President Academic and Dean

PhD, Princeton University

MA, McGill University

BA Honours, Queen's University

P: 519-884-8111 x 28205

E: carolann.macgregor@uwaterloo.ca

Office: SH 1208


Carol Ann MacGregor has served as Vice President Academic and Dean (VPAD) at St. Jerome's University since 2021. In this capacity she serves as SJU’s Chief Academic Officer and also has oversight over Student Affairs including Residential Life, Student Wellness Supports, Academic Advising, Service Learning, and Student Leadership Development. The VPAD is also a member of the SJU Board of Governors and represents SJU on a number of University of Waterloo committees.

Dr. MacGregor previously served as Vice Provost of Academic Affairs at Loyola University New Orleans where she oversaw and supported Institutional Research and SACSCOC accreditation compliance, the Center for Faculty Innovation, the Pan-American Life Student Success Center, the Women's Resource Center, and Upward Bound. She also managed summer school operations. In 2019-2020 she served as co-chair of Loyola's AJCU Mission Priority Examen. She is a graduate of the AJCU’s Ignatian Colleagues Program  (Cohort 11).

She holds a PhD in Sociology from Princeton University and continues to research and teach in areas including sociology of higher education, sociology of religion, and social statistics/ social science research methods. Her research on Catholic K-12 education, religious non-affiliation and religion and civic engagement has appeared in journals including American Catholic Studies, American Sociological Review, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, and Social Science Research.


The content that follows may only represent a portion of the Faculty member’s work.

Journal articles

MacGregor, Carol Ann. (2022) “Metaphysical Religion and Spirituality: A Measured Approach” in Mark Silk and Chris White (Editors) The Future of Metaphysical Religion New York: Springer

MacGregor, Carol Ann and Patricia Maloney (2021) “Systems not Sectors: Explaining Variation in Catholic and Charter School Leaders Approaches to Character Education” Journal of Character Education

Grendler, Paul, & MacGregor, Carol Ann (2021). Policy Dialogue: The Rise and Decline of Catholic Education, 1500-Present. History of Education Quarterly, 61(2), 240-248. doi:10.1017/heq.2021.10

MacGregor, Carol Ann. (2018) “The Parish as the “Missing Middle” Unit of Analysis in Catholic Studies American Catholic Studies 129(1): 21-27.

MacGregor, Carol Ann and Brian Fitzpatrick*. (2014) Catholic Schools in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Policy Futures in Education 12: 1035-1047

  • Reprinted in Miron, Luis, Brian R. Beabout and Joseph L. Boselovic (2015) Only in New Orleans: School Choice and Equity in Post-Hurricane Katrina Rotterdam: Sense Publishers

Lewis, Valerie., Carol Ann MacGregor, and Robert Putnam (2013) “Networks and Neighborliness: Religion and Social Capital in the Panel Study of Race and Ethnicity” Social Science Research. 42(2): 331-346.

Lim, Chaeyoon. and Carol Ann MacGregor  (2012) “Religion and Volunteering in Context: Disentangling the Contextual Effects of Religion on Voluntary Behavior” American Sociological Review. 77(5): 747-779.

Massengill, Rebekah. and Carol Ann MacGregor (2012) “The Changing Impact of Religious Nonaffiliation on Schooling: The Educational Trajectories of Three Types of Religious “Nones”. Research in the Sociology of Work 23: 183

Lim, Chaeyoon, Carol Ann MacGregor, and Robert Putnam (2010) “Secular and Liminal: Discovering Heterogeneity among Religious Nones” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 49(4): 596-618.

MacGregor, Carol Ann (2008) “Religious Socialization and Children’s Prayer as Cultural Object: Children’s 19th Century Sunday School Books” Poetics 36(5-6): 435-449.


MacGregor, Carol Ann. (2021) “Metaphysical Religion and Spirituality: A Measured Approach” in Mark Silk and Christopher White (Editors) The Future of Metaphysical Religion in America Cham: Springer.

MacGregor, Carol Ann and Ashlyn Haycook* (2021) “Lapsed Catholics and Other Religious Non-Affiliates” in Fr. Jim Heft and Jan Stets Empty Churches New York: Oxford University Press.

MacGregor, Carol Ann (2018) “Catholic High Schools: The Golden Rule Meets the Mainstream” in Hunter, James Davison and Ryan Olson (Editors) The Content of Their Character: Inquiries into the Varieties of Moral Formation New York: Finstock and Tew

Book reviews

MacGregor, Carol Ann (2020) Review of Paul A. Djupe and Ryan L. Claassen The Evangelical Crackup: The Future of the Evangelical Republican Coalition https://doi.org/10.1080/21567689.2020.1732605

MacGregor, Carol Ann (2020) Review of Mario Small’s Someone to Talk To in Teaching Sociology https://doi.org/10.1177/0092055X19890640

MacGregor, Carol Ann (2017) Review of Churchill and Levy The Enigmatic Academy: Class, Bureaucracy and Religion in American Education in Contemporary Sociology 46: 168-170

MacGregor, Carol Ann. (2015) Review of Mary Ellen Konieczny The Spirit’s Tether: Family, Work and Religion among American Catholics in Contemporary Sociology 44:373-375

Courses Taught

SOC 417: Sociology of Higher Education