2019 Keynotes


Celeste Headlee


We Need To Talk: Having Better Conversations ...

A crash-course in the fundamentals of communication for professional and personal relationships, this highly motivational keynote is designed to inspire self-confidence and introduce strategies for enhancing relationships by simply being better at having conversations. Sounds appealing, right? It’s funny how many times we catch ourselves simply not listening to somebody. Or even if we are, we become distracted by the slightest thing. 

Ilana Ben-Ari


Empathy is the #1 Job Skill: The Future of Work & Learning

What does it mean to be human in the age of intelligent machines? What are the job skills of the future? How can we train ourselves—and our employees—to be indispensable to business success? In this interactive keynote, entrepreneur and inventor of The Empathy Toy Ilana Ben-Ari identifies creativity and emotional intelligence as two of the top skills workers need—now and in the future. Much of our work is becoming automated, she says. But a successful interaction between two human beings, or a creative way of thinking, can’t be automated. It can, however, be taught. 

Laura Vanderkam


168 Hours: Succeeding at Work and Life, 24/7

Drawing on the themes from her time management books, Laura talks about how to manage the 168 hours we all have each week to get the most out of your professional and personal life. In addition to sharing her top 10 time management tips, Laura can work with a few audience members beforehand to tweak their schedules, and incorporate the results into her talk.

Robin Esrock


Canada’s Bucket List

Nobody knows Canada better than Robin Esrock.  Coast to coast to coast, north to south—what are the best experiences the nation has to offer? Weaving in photography, video, and his trademark humour, Esrock takes us on a journey to every province and territory, sharing the remarkable destinations, activities, characters and personalities that truly make Canada worth exploring, along with insights he’s learned along the way. 

Special Session: 

Jeremie Saunders


Open Up Wide! No, WIDER! Cultivating Success Through Vulnerability

For most of us, the definition of success is accomplishing our goals. But often times these achievements in life are not possible without the support of others. In his keynote, Jeremie breaks down the importance of building community when striving for success and the vital role vulnerability plays in building the trust needed to strengthen the foundation of support we need as we strive to realize our goals.