Designing a Teaching Innovation Incubator (TII) to develop transformative pedagogy and programs
Addresses objectives: T1B Promote teaching and learning innovation and reduce systemic barriers T1C Remove barriers to collaboration, interdisciplinarity, and knowledge integration

The Teaching Innovation Incubator (TII) is an exploratory testbed for new, potentially transformative, approaches to teaching. The TII will provide a hub — space, resources, and a culture of exploration — for faculty, staff, and students alike to investigate and try out disruptive approaches for teaching. In the interim, a Beta TII has been started. As an example, one project focuses on engaging graduate students from each Faculty to create a team-taught interdisciplinary course on wicked problems like climate change.
In winter 2022 a working group was established with membership from across campus to design the TII’s long-term structure, define its scope, and develop operational mechanisms and future challenges to tackle. An important facet of this work is to identify criteria for selecting proposals that are accepted to the incubator and what supports will help innovations succeed. Consultations will occur throughout fall 2022 with recommendations being forwarded to leadership in 2023. Updates about this initiative will be reported on the TII website.
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Moving forward: In 2022-2023, our priority will be to create the TII infrastructure including priorities for selecting future innovation concepts and developing methods for replicating and advancing learnings from incubator projects.