Advancing an agile, technology–enabled learning ecosystem
Addresses objectives: T1A Increase flexible curricula T1B Promote teaching and learning innovation and reduce systemic barriers T1D Advance technology-enabled learning

The University is developing a comprehensive strategy to continue exploring and developing digital technology to create exceptional, learner-centred learning opportunities. Early in 2022 the associate vice president academic formed a Digital Learning Strategy Working Group comprised of key faculty, staff, and student representatives to investigate issues, consult with the campus community, and make recommendations. The strategy will focus on leveraging digital approaches to optimize learning for all students, whether they are taking courses online or in person.
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Moving forward: The working group’s report is due in late 2022. The report is expected to inform the development of a strategy that will ensure coordination of various digital learning initiatives across campus, develop new initiatives to advance a technology-enabled learning ecosystem at Waterloo, and recommend future decision-making processes that strike a balance between effective coordination and efficiency with enough freedom for innovative ideas to flourish. The development of the digital learning strategy will follow this important work.