Developing a “whole-of-university” approach for international engagement
Addresses objectives: R3A Strengthen and increase strategic partnerships with research partners

Waterloo International is working with partners across campus to ensure that Waterloo’s engagement with priority areas in the world is coordinated, purposeful, and tailored to needs and opportunities. This will help to ensure that Waterloo’s presence in the world gives global prominence to Waterloo’s activities and achievements, offers effective international opportunities for Waterloo’s members, and builds strategic partnerships-for-impact with outstanding peer universities globally.
To achieve these ends, a new post-pandemic strategy of international engagement is being implemented. Using virtual, digital, and in-person connection strategies (both abroad and within Canada), this strategy includes meetings with key government representatives (e.g., Indian and UK High Commissioners to Canada, Canadian embassy officials abroad) and priority university partner members. Some of these university partner members include administrative and faculty leaders from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (India), Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), Stellenbosch University (South Africa), University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom), and University of Twente (Netherlands).
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Moving forward: These activities will lead to new internationalization initiatives to advance the University of Waterloo’s desired talent, research, and community outcomes.