Embracing equity through academic advising
Addresses objectives: C2B Develop a culture of involvement that fosters inclusivity and a sense of belonging

Academic advisors play an integral role in the academic success and degree completion of their students. To effectively support all students, advisors need to learn and apply strategies to use when interacting with students to support a sense of belonging at the University of Waterloo. In 2021-2022, a new, purposeful training and professional development approach was developed to give advisors information they needed to better support equity-deserving students. Topics focused on exploring social justice theory and practices, trauma-informed advising, supporting Indigenous students, respecting identity, and creating equitable spaces and work to support the collective care of all students.
Jump to: SC Goal C2 | Strengthening Communities Goals
Moving forward: In the upcoming year, additional training opportunities will continue to be developed and implemented as part of our commitment to build equity throughout our student experience. Outcomes from these measures will be seen in time through changes in student perceptions of sense of belonging, feeling respected, and safety.