Fostering a supportive employee community
Addresses objectives: C2A Inspire collaboration across the institution C2B Develop culture of involvement that fosters inclusivity and a sense of belonging

Creating a supportive community for employees is critical as the institution continues to see increasing turnover rates, consistent with turnover trends for all industries. To address Waterloo’s talent needs, several initiatives are in place including employee and leadership development programming, career advising support, and staff orientation and onboarding programs. Based on inputs from the employee engagement survey, and reports by Mercer and Deloitte on the performance appraisal process and career progression, Waterloo’s Organizational and Human Development office initiated a project to create a staff Strategic Talent and Performance Framework.
Moving forward: Working with a consultant, Waterloo will develop the Strategic Talent and Performance Framework. This framework will provide clarity on roles and responsibilities through clear job descriptions, including competencies and accountabilities. This will inform the redevelopment of the performance appraisal system and processes and employee learning and development pathways aligned with core competencies.
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