Creating a roadmap for the entrepreneurship / commercialization support ecosystem
Addresses objectives: R2B Increase infrastructure for research commercialization and policy application R2E Foster an environment that stimulates entrepreneurial pursuits

Waterloo has a robust entrepreneurship and commercialization ecosystem. However, navigating this ecosystem can be challenging. In 2022 the University completed a much anticipated online roadmap outlining the numerous supports, resources, and opportunities available for Waterloo community members pursuing entrepreneurship / commercialization studies or related activities. As an example, this includes resources to support building skills, accessing funding, finding mentors or advice, and entrepreneurship / commercialization opportunities for social and environmental impact.
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Moving forward: The Office of Research will continue to engage with users to understand how they have used the online roadmap and other tools to assist their commercialization journey. Service offerings and entry points will be adjusted to meet the innovation community’s evolving needs.