Developing new interdisciplinary graduate programs based on recommendations from the Interdisciplinary Task Force
Addresses objectives: T2C Foster an interdisciplinary environment for graduate students T2E Stimulate flexible, interdisciplinary graduate programs

Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) is actively supporting the development of interdisciplinary graduate programs with faculties. Building on recommendations from the Interdisciplinary Task Force, and with support from the Teaching Innovation Incubator (TII), GSPA seeds concepts and facilitates administrative hurdles to support faculties developing interdisciplinary programs. Some of the programs that faculties have developed or implemented over 2021-2022 include Sustainable Aeronautics, Biomedical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and a new concurrent entrepreneurial doctoral program in collaboration with faculties and the Conrad School of Business and Entrepreneurship.
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Moving forward: GSPA will continue to coordinate with Faculty champions to cultivate program concepts and identify interdisciplinarity programs of interest to faculties and students. The provost office has committed $2.1M to support an interdisciplinary postdoctoral scholars’ program for 2022-2025 which will bring 15 postdoctoral fellows to develop and accelerate interdisciplinary research and scholarship at Waterloo.