Implementing the Future Ready Talent Framework (FRTF) to increase impact
Addresses objectives: T3A Leverage employer, industry, government, and alumni networks T3B Recruit and retain future ready talent T3C Increase interdisciplinary research opportunities for co-op students

In 2021-2022 CEE integrated these new learning competencies into student employment evaluations, work term consultations with employers, professional development courses, and student career workshops. Through the student employment evaluations, the FRTF model allows CEE to identify evolving competencies. These competencies are then integrated into student and employer engagement efforts, ensuring the program continues to meet the changing industry landscape as well as student and employer expectations.
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Moving forward: In 2022-2023, the framework will be integrated into the academic review process to create a stronger alignment between academic courses and the work-integrated learning (WIL) environment. New offerings, including a gig marketplace WIL program, are being developed with this framework for graduate students.