Graduate Positions in Biology with the StrEAMS Lab at the University of Waterloo
Motivated PhD and MSc students sought to lead cutting edge research projects related to stream ecology in human dominated landscapes and development of monitoring tools. Topics include ecological consequences of increasing nutrient loads to streams, importance of riparian forest cover to stream ecosystem resilience, application of environmental metabolomics to biomonitoring and development of effective stream assessment tools for streams in human dominated landscapes. Projects will employ a mix of field, artificial stream and laboratory studies that utilize the StrEAMS Lab’s state-of-the-art facilities (TRESS and WESP), as well as facilities of government collaborators.
The StrEAMS Lab is an inclusive and collaborative learning environment that includes students in active partnerships with potential future employers. Students receive world-class instruction in the fundamental concepts of stream ecology and training in state-of-the-art techniques for stream monitoring, laboratory methods, geographic information systems and data analysis. Students also gain essential project management, communication and leadership skills.
Applicants are expected to have a strong background in aquatic ecology, environmental science or related discipline and interest in designing experiments and conducting field and lab work. Student responsibilities will include assisting with development of study designs, conducting fieldwork, sample and data analysis, as well as reporting to government partners. Ability to work as part of a team is a must.
The successful candidate will be based at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario. Opportunities exist for lab exchanges with academic collaborators and short-term placements with government partners including Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority.
Highly competitive funding packages are available and all associated research costs will be funded by the StrEAMS lab.
Required qualifications:
- MSC or BSc in Ecology, Environmental Science or related discipline
- Meet enrolment requirements of the Dept of Biology at the University of Waterloo
Additional desired qualifications:
- Experience conducting aquatic fieldwork
- Knowledge of univariate and multivariate statistical analyses
- Demonstrated written and oral communication skills
- Valid Driver’s license
Please send your CV, a list of two references (along with contact phone and email), unofficial transcript and a cover letter summarizing qualifications and research interests to Dr. Adam Yates at adam.yates@uwaterloo.ca.