4. Evaluate integration of sustainability

Similar to integration, this stage will look different for every department depending on the needs of the department, the discipline, and the specific integration pursued. Please find support for departments reviewing their processes available with Centre for Teaching Excellence, peers across campus, and the Sustainability Office.

Guiding Questions:

  1. How can the impact of integration be assessed?


Reflection Guide

Summary: A series of questions to prompt discussion and thinking within the department when considering the results of integrating relevant sustainability knowledge, skills, and values. This will review topics that were identified as relevant for graduates in the connect step, and considers if they were delivered on.

Purpose: This resource will help guide discussion and thinking to identify strengths and weaknesses.

Link to the resource

Sustainability Literacy Assessment

Summary: Sulitest provides tools to integrate sustainability education into their institutions, programs, and courses. This literacy assessment can help create a baseline of current sustainability knowledge to guide future decisions and provide feedback on the results of integrations.

Purpose: The literacy assessment can help test and certify knowledge, and it can help raise awareness of sustainability within the department.

Link to the assessment

The University of Waterloo has an institutional membership and any program or instructor interested in deploying the sulitest can contact the Sustainability Office for access and training on how to use it.

Future Resources

Future iterations of this toolkit will include materials to guide reflections and examples of student learning evaluations such as assessment questions or project criteria. If you already have relevant resources you’d like to share, or are interested in developing these, please share them with us.

framework for sustainability integration with evaluate bolded