Renewable Energy Feasibility Study


The University of Waterloo is looking for a feasibility study for the renewable energy potential of ground-mounted and parking lot coverage solar photovoltaics.

This work would support Action item 38 of the campus Shift Neutral Climate Action Plan thereby helping the University meet its goals of reducing campus emissions by 35% below 2015 levels by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Action item 38: Conduct a feasibility study on renewable energy sources and an appropriate portfolio that would diversify Waterloo’s energy supply, minimize emissions, and meet suitable portions of campus needs.

Integrating renewable energy on campus will also advance the University’s work on the UN Sustainable Development Goals for Affordable and Clean Energy, and Climate Action (SDGs 7 and 13).

Scope of Work Could Include

  • Research best practices from large institutions for ground-mount and parking lot coverage solar PV.
  • Use GIS and other software to identify suitable sites on the University of Waterloo main campus for ground-mount and parking lot coverage solar PV.
  • Provide technical information on the solar potential for the identified ground-mount and parking lot coverage solar PV, including estimated total annual energy production and peak energy production.
  • Produce a list of major equipment, infrastructure instrumentation and control system requirements.
  • Conduct a cost analysis of a ground-mount and parking lot coverage solar PV projects, including estimated upfront costs, projected maintenance costs, and projected monthly and annual generation potential.
  • Explore the business case under current electricity rate structures for pairing solar PV with battery storage for peak load management.
  • Outline any grid connection considerations and incentives available.


Data is available through the Sustainability Office for:

  • Aggregate consumption of electricity on campus
  • Building-based energy consumption for a small number of individual satellite buildings
  • Maps of University-owned areas and development trajectories from the campus master plan

Please note that load profiles and peak demand values are not available at this time.


  • Sustainability Office
  • Plant Operations

Proposed Deliverables

The details of the deliverables are flexible but must meet the requirements set out by the course instructor. Some proposed deliverables include:

  • A work plan early in the term outlining key milestones and responsibilities.
  • Updates on progress at least once during the term.
  • A final report outlining the outcomes of the feasibility study, including cost estimates from local sources.