Improving access to safe and affordable drinking water and sanitation services is the goal of SDG 6. This includes addressing sources of pollution, increasing water-use efficiency, improving water resource management, and ensuring healthy water-related ecosystems. The University of Waterloo’s Water Institute addresses many of these issues in the Canadian and global context.

The Global Water Futures is a research initiative to find solutions that protect water quality and quantity across Canada and in the cold regions of the world. Global Water Futures will drastically change the landscape of water management with improvements to forecasting and tools that enable preparation for and management of water issues in the future in the face of dramatically increasing climate change risks.

The forWater Network provides new knowledge and innovation to protect drinking water from source to tap in a changing climate and to support communities to adapt to increased risks associated with changing climatic trends and natural disturbances. It does this by connecting diverse knowledge to support public policy for forest management and source water protection, technology development, utility-specific plans, and forestry best management plans.

Water Security as a Foundation for Healthy Communities and Sustainable Livelihoods
The main goals of Water Security as a Foundation for Healthy Communities and Sustainable Livelihoods project are to offer new learning opportunities for doctoral, post-doctoral and early career researchers from five low-to middle-income countries, as well as from Canada. The project aims to enrich their academic, professional, and cross-cultural experiences in the areas of climate smart agricultural systems for food security (India and Pakistan); climate-proof public health services under increasingly severe drought and flood conditions (Zambia); and safe water supply and sanitation facilities to improve the poor health status of mothers and infants (Kenya and Uganda).

WaterTalks is a lecture series, hosted by the Water Institute, run each year from September to March. Leading international and national researchers and thought leaders share cutting-edge research, inspiring dialogue and the broadening of perspectives on current water issues.