Launch of the 'SDG Town Hall' Engaging University & College Students on the SDGs

Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Sustainable Development Solutions Network of Canada (SDSN Canada), in partnership with the Waterloo Global Science Initiative, TakingITGlobal, and the Youth Climate Lab is pleased to announce the launch of a student-focused engagement on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at university and college campuses across Canada. The SDG Town Hall will work to develop policy recommendations for the Government of Canada as they develop a National Strategy for the implementation of the SDGs. The Town Hall recommendations will also inform future directions for SDSN Canada, including how we can support a post-secondary ecosystem for student-led activation around the SDGs.

Provide your input on SDG Townhall.

The SDG Town Hall is a virtual platform for engagement, aiming to gather input from thousands of post-secondary students across the country to identify their unique experiences and share thoughtful strategies to address the SDGs. The Town Hall consultations will be open between March 20th and April 14th, 2019.

This digital engagement will be followed by three in-person Policy Jams hosted across the country at SDSN Canada member institutions: the University of Waterloo, Simon Fraser University, and l’Université de Laval. Input from both the Virtual Town Hall and the Policy Jams will contribute towards the creation of a White Paper to be submitted to the Government of Canada to inform the creation of Canada’s forthcoming National Strategy on SDG Implementation.

For more information, please visit SDG Townhall or contact Jon Beale, SDSN Canada Manager (

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