SDSN Canada is part of a global SDSN movement started by world-renowned economist and Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General on the SDGs, Jeffrey Sachs. The SDSN was founded in 2012 to build a network of knowledge institutions that support action-oriented research to help address some of the world’s most pressing problems. The global network is home to 35 national and regional SDSN networks and over 1,300 participating member institutions.

The SDSN network is working on a number of initiatives globally, including:
- The World in 2050 – an initiative to develop science-based transformational and equitable pathways to sustainable development that provide fact-based knowledge to support policy and implementation for the SDGs.
- FABLE (Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-use, Energy) – a global collaboration to develop consistent global and national pathways towards sustainable land use and food systems by 2050.
- Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project – a global collaboration of energy research teams charting practical pathways to deeply reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the world.
- Move Humanity – an initiative to establish SDG-focused philanthropy as a global norm and to mobilize the world’s billionaires to allocate 1% of their net wealth per year to SDG-focused funds.
- World Happiness Report – a landmark survey of the state of global happiness.
- SDG Academy – an online education platform that creates and curates free, graduate-level courses on sustainable development for students around the world.
- SDG Metrics & Indices – the development of indicators and measurement systems to track progress on the SDGs and help target resources, policies, and programs based on SDG performance. Includes the creation of the U.S. Cities SDG Index, the SDG Index ranking 193 countries on their SDG achievements and commitments, and the SDG Africa Index.