Meet the Cast Monday

15 June, 2015

Say Hello to...

​Carly Derderian, Third year Honours Arts Drama major and History minor playing the roles of Charles the Dauphin, Bassett, and Keeper.

Sam Beuerle, Fourth year Honour Drama major playing the roles of Winchester, Watch, Captain, English Soldier and French Soldier.

Alan Shonfield, Fourth year recent graduate of the Drama program Playing the roles of Joan of Arc, English Soldier and Messengers.

"If you could choose a side in the war, England or France, which would you choose?"

Carly: " France! Joan deserves the title of Sainthood. And let’s be honest, France has better wine."

Sam: "This question perpetuates nationalism."

8 June, 2015

Say hello to...

Chantaine Green-Leach, 4th Year Drama and Speech Communication Student. Playing the characters of Somerset, Sentinel, Ambassador, French Soldier, and English Soldier.

Emma Mann, 4th year, Science & Drama Double Major. Playing Countess of Auvergne, Young John Talbot, and Margaret of Anjou

Mollie Garrett, 3rd year Honours Arts Drama Major. Playing the Characters of Richard Plantagenet (Duke of York), Messengers and Servants

"If you could choose a side in the war, France or England, which would you choose?"

Chantaine: "If I could pick a side of the war in the play...? I'd probably be a double agent and play both sides and pray that I don't get caught and charged for treason... In that case I think I'd be sentenced to death twice. Once for the French and again for the English. I'd chalk my decision to trying to acquire favor (and other treasures) from both sides. It'd make for comfortable travel back and forth, that's for sure!"

Emma: "I don't know if I would even pick a side. On the one hand, I'm technically a British citizen and people take patriotism very seriously, but on the other hand the French make damn good bread. I really like bread."

Mollie: "English through and through. I fight for Saint George!"

1 June, 2015

Say hello to...

Celena Alcock, second year Honours Drama major with Arts and Business co-op and digital arts communication specialization. Playing the roles of King Henry VI, Gunner's Boy, 2Messanger, 5Messager, English Soldier, Gloucester Servant, Fiend, and Sergeant.

Adam Winchester, fourth year Honours Drama and Theatre major. Playing the roles of Bastard of Orleans, Mayor of London and English soldier.


Carleigh MacDonald, fourth year Arts and Business Drama Major. Playing the roles of Reignier, Vernon, and 3Citizen.

"If you could choose a side in the war, England or France, which would you choose?"

Celena: "I would fight for England to the death. I would fight for England because well, first off I'm their King and I'm not a traitor, and secondly because I like fighting with the wooden shields versus the shiny metal shields the French use (we can spot the French from a mile away), the French also care way to much about their appearance and clothing, it's a war not a beauty contest! And of course I love butchering the French names and accents, it's too easy. England is hard core, we don't back off, we go for the throat, unlike the French who get drunk, sleep around, and show up to the battles with their pants around their ankles....God is on our side, I'm fighting for England."


Adam: "If I had to pick a side in the war from Henry VI, between France and England, I would choose France. My main reason is that the Bastard of Orléans is my favourite character, and he is French of course. Also, the French are funny which is something I appreciate."

Carleigh: "I would pick the French side. They are funny, fashionable and fierce."

25 May, 2015

Say hello to...

Rebecca Birrell, fourth year Drama Major and Psychology and Women's Studies minor. Playing the roles of Bedford, Mortimer, Gunner of Orleans, Lucy, Shepherd, and 2nd servant.

Jessica Blondin, fourth year Arts and Business Drama major. Playing the role of Gloucester.

Alexandra Carruthers, second year Drama and Co-op Student. Playing the roles of Burgundy, Woodville, Gargrave, French soldier and jailer.

"If you could choose a side in the war, England or France, which would you choose?"

Rebecca: "If I had to pick a side I would choose English because it would be wrong to betray my British ancestry."


Jessica: "My last name, Blondin, is of French origin, but the other side of my family moved here from England when my grandmother was a young girl so I feel a closer tie to that heritage - I would have to say the English. Besides, as much as I would like to share in the more fanciful fashions of the French, I wouldn't last long in the French camps because I haven't spoken French since I started university... That would likely be a benefit if joining their forces."

Alex: "I would side with the English Army because England is where my family is from. Family ties were important during the time of the play, and still stand to be a compelling factor."

18 May, 2015

Say Hello to...

Cameron Smith, Second year Drama Major and English Minor who will be playing the characters of Salisbury, Suffolk, and an English Soldier.

Erik Van Dijk, Second year Drama Major who will be playing the role of Talbot.

Daniel Ruginets, First year Arts and Business Drama Major who plays Warwick, Warder, and Glansdale.

"If you could choose a side in the war; England or France, which would you choose?"


Cameron: "I would pick the English side! The English are so great to be around because of the contrast between the seriousness and over-the-top behaviour, while the French are funny, the English are much more "Fun"!

Erik: "I would choose the side of the English in the war because they are very patriotic and honorable. I admire their courage and undying faith in their country"

Daniel: "I vud vant to be on ze fre-- no no I am the ENGLISH THE ENGLISH, and why? because I AM ENGLISH AND I AM THE BEST