The End of Days

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According to Lois Parkinson Zamora

Definition: “revelation, the uncovering or unveiling of a divine secret. It is eschatological in nature, that is, it is concerned with final things-the end of the present age, the judgment day, and the age to come. Apocalyptic thinking assumes a particular view of history: history is essentially linear. It does not go round and round. Rather, history progresses from event to event, moving toward a final goal at the end of time.” (Page 8)

Kyle, Richard G. Apocalyptic Fever : End-Time Prophecies in Modern America. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2012. Print.

Jehovah's Witness 1918 Prediction

Founded by Charles Taze Russell who disputed many aspects of "mainstream Christianity", The Jehovah's Witnesses have put forth many doomsday predictions. Russell predicted the world would end in October 1914 or October 1915, whichever one proved to be correct. When World War 1 broke out, Russell and his devout followers took it as a sign that their predictions were correct. Although Russell died in 1916, the last years of his life were spent preaching that the war would end in 1918, as well as the world with "the battle of Armageddon and the rapture of the church" (page 46). The world, of course, did not come to and end, but with the Spanish Flue running rampant, one could look to the pale horsemen, who brings plague and death. Even though the flu killed millions of people, their predictions fell short yet again. The Bible study that Russell created almost fell apart because of his death and with the threat of the flu, but the Jehovah's Witness did persevere, and continued (and still do today) make the next apocalyptic predictions.

Penton, M. J. "Apocalypse Delayed the Story of Jehovah's Witnesses." 2nd ed. ed. Toronto, Ont.; Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997. 45-46. Print.


Judgement Day- What is it? (

Mayan Calendar

Gentile Times Evidently Ended (Zion's Watch Tower)

Changed Dates: Failed Predictions (

6000 Years Since Creation! Is the End of the World at Hand?


Remote video URL

The 6000 Year Plan: Is the end of humanity's reign almost up?