The Children's Hour

Winter 1997 Production

By Lillian Hellman​

Directed by: Brian Richmond

Perfromances: February 12-15, 1997

Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building


Helen - Claudine Albreish

Grocery Boy - Dave Brown

Mrs. Tilford - Lloy Coutts

Janet - Diane Flynn

Lois - Claire Francis

Peggy - Erin Kell

Rosalie - Lisa Kennedy

Karen - Krista Paige Little

Mary - Aine Magennis

Agatha - Allison Oleszkowicz

Leslie - Jennifer Parker

Martha - Heather Roberts

Evelyn - Catherine Seeback

Joe - Calvin Sweers

Catherine - Nadine Thornhill

Mrs. Mortar - Lory Wainberg

Creative Team

Director – Brian Richmond

Set Design – William Chesney

Costume Design – Jocelyne Sobeski

Lighting Design – David James

Production Team

Stage Manager – Tigger McCullough

Assistant Stage Managers - Angela Marshall, Ryan Tyndall

Assistant Director – Diane Flynn

Production Manager – Laura Pattison

Technical Director/ Theatre of the Arts – Scott Spidell

Assistant Technical Director – Tim Jackson

Head of Lighting Crew – Mike Haltrecht

Lighting Crew – Dave Brown, Bart Cormier, Laurie Hindson

Head of Sound Crew – Tom Leslie

Sound Crew – Caroline White

Head of Carpentry Crew – Scott Elliott

Carpentry Crew – Teresa Bruinsma, Kristen Burke, Jay D’ Aoust

Head of Scenic Painting Crew – Dave McCormick

Scenic Painting Crew - Natalie Budd

Head of Properties Crew – Linda Patton

Prop Crew – Henry Brockzowski, Jennifer Parker

Head of Wardrobe Crew – Alkan Emin

Wardrobe Crew/ Dressers – Andrea Peterson, Nadine Thornhill

Photographer – Charmion Zoll

Head of Publicity – Joyce Hahn

Publicity Assistant – Andrea Renaud

Publicity/ House Manager Assistant -Trina Sookhai

Research Assistant – Anouk Vanherf

House Manager/ Theatre of the Arts – Tom Leslie

Special Thanks

Bonnie’s Ceramics

Patton Family

Canadian Stage Prop Shop

Phoebe Saad

Grand Theatre Prop Shop