Cloud 9

She came from a large, poor family, had married at sixteen and had a very violent and unhappy marriage, with no pleasure from sex at all...and after thirty years she had remarried. She told us in quite a bit of detail how she and her new husband gradually got their relationship together. Finally she said: ‘We may not do it as often as young people, but when we have our organisms [sic], we’re on Cloud Nine.

Winter 1997 Production

By Caryl Churchill

Directed by: Joel Greenberg

Performances: March 19-22, 1997

Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building


Harry / Martin - Josh Bateson

Edward / Victoria - Aine Magennis

Maud / Lin - Alison Oleszkowicz

Mrs. Saunders / Ellen / Betty -Vicki Sloan

Clive / Edward - Calvin Sweers

Joshua / Cathy / Bill - Sean Vivian

Betty / Gerry - John Whelan

Creative Team

Director – Joel Greenberg

Assistant Director – Rhonda Gilson

Set Design – William Chesney

Costume Design – Jocelyne Sobeski

Lighting Design -Louise Guinand

Sound Design – Tom Leslie

Musical Director – Anne-Marie Donovan

Production Team

Stage Manager -Danna Evans

Assistant Stage Managers - Ruth Kelly, Marcus Schwenzer

Production Manager – Laura Pattison

Technical Director/ Theatre of the Arts – Scott Spidell

Assistant Technical Director – Tim Jackson

Head of Lighting Crew – Mike Haltrecht

Lighting Crew – Dave Brown, Jay D’Aoust, Angela Marshall, Tigger McCullough, Dave McCormick, Andrea Peterson

Head of Sound – Scott Elliott

Head of Carpentry Crew – Laurie Hindson

Carpentry Crew – Henry Broczkowski, Jennifer Parker

Head of Scenic Painting Crew – Caroline White

Scenic Painting Crew – Henry Broczkowski

Head of Properties Crew – Linda Patton

Prop Crew – Teresa Bruinsma, Trina Sookhai

Head of Wardrobe Crew – Kristen Burke

Wardrobe Crew – Natalie Budd, Bart Cormier, Jennifer Parker, Kevin Price, Trina Sookhai

Head of Publicity – Joyce Hahn

Publicity Assistant – Andrea Renaud

Publicity Assistant/ Assistant House Manager – Nadine Thornhill

Research Assistant – Anouk Vanherf

House Manager/ Theatre of the Arts – Tom Leslie

Photographer – Charmion Zoll

Opening Song arranged and accompanied – Peter de Sousa

Special Thanks

A-1 Flags

Dept. of Optometry

Drayton Festival Theatre

Patton Family

K-W Music Theatre

Theatre Sheridan

Norman Martin

Twin City Copiers Inc.