The Comedy of Errors
Believed to be one of Shakespeare's earliest plays, The Comedy of Errors relies heavily on character mix-ups and witty dialogue – the ingredients of what is now called situation comedy. The story is based on two sets of twins who are unaware of each other’s existence. When the twins converge in Ephesus (present-day western Turkey) their journey towards (self-) discovery produces a host of farcical mix-ups and many unexpected plot twists.
While the play’s emphasis on slapstick over verbal humor has led earlier critics to consider it an apprentice work of Shakespeare's, many are now finding deeper explorations of issues of identity, gender, love and marriage in it. Whatever the “errors” of this comedy may be, the play has always been very popular with audiences who have revelled in the characters’ comical confusions and enjoyed Shakespeare’s skilful untangling of the plot complications.
Fall 2010 Production

By William Shakespeare
Directed by: Lee Wilson
Performances: November 11-13, & 18-20, 2010
Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building
Antipholus of Syracuse - Zach Parsons
Antipholus of Ephesus - Shaw Forgeron
Dromio of Syracuse - Stephen Lotimer
Dromio of Ephesus - Kristi Dukovic
Adriana - Caitlin Robson
Luciana - Sarah Sosnoski
Angelo - David Morgan
Luce (Neil), Officer #2 - Jessica Singh
Solinus, Duke of Ephesus - Patrick Pinnell
Egeon - Terrance Reid
Dr. Pinch - Tom Duff
Courtesan - Meghan Jones
Jailer - Jane Honek
Attendant, Balthasar, Officer #1 - Joe Lauria
Attendant, Abbess - Keriece Harris
Merchant, Messenger - Adele Robert
2nd Merchant - Adam Lemieux
Creative Team:
Director: Lee Wilson
Assistant Director - Reid Vanier
Set / Props Designer - Bill Chesney
Costume Designer - Jocelyne Sobeski
Lighting Designer - Jenny Jimenez
Jessica Smith - Assistant Set/Props Designer
Production Team:
Head of Production: Scott Spidell
Production Manager: Janelle Rainville
Technical Director: Gill Lesperance
Head of Publicity: Robin Atchison
Stage Manager: Kate Burns
Assistant Stage Managers: Brittany Leite, Jana Zacharias, Robert Motum
Head of Carpentry / Co-Head of Paint - Anthony Fick
Head of Props / Co-Head of Paint - Sarah Sosnoski
Head of Lighting - Katie Honek
Wardrobe Crew - Selin Erkaya, Lindsay Grisebach, Soo-Ram Kim, Laurel Koverko, Sonia Laposi, Ali Reid, Simon Thibodeau
Paint Crew - Ryan Bassett, Caitlyn Derderian, Andreea Hluscu, Katie Stewart, Vicky Zhang
Carpentry Crew - Josh Campbell, Chelsea Coles, Meg Hill, Will Innes, Courtney Palmer, Mike Webb
Lighting Crew - Bri Fitzsimmons, Greg Johnson, Zach Parsons, Julian Peter, Derrick Rabethge
Publicity/Front-of-House - Vienna Brandstatter, Michelle Kestle