An Experiment with an Air Pump
Shelagh Stephenson’s An Experiment with an Air Pump takes as its point of departure Joseph Wright’s 18th century painting An Experiment on a Bird in an Air Pump in which a scientist is placed “where you usually find God”. Stephenson’s play asks whether the scientist has a right to ‘play God’, and if so, at what cost when a life lies in the balance?
As we travel back and forth between 1799 and 1999, we realize that although the context may have changed, the basic questions remain the same. We are still playing with life and death and aren’t really able to deal adequately with the serious ethical questions that come hand in hand with technological and scientific advances and our yearning to “change the world”.
The story is also a vivid commentary on evolving gender roles within two unfolding, family dramas. Two marriages, intimately portrayed, form the prism through which we view the story.
Finally, there is a bit of Agatha Christie in the telling as well. Some fun on the way and a mystery slowly unveiled which packs a powerful punch in the end.
Anne-Marie Donovan, Director
Winter 2011 Production

By Shelagh Stephenson
Directed by: Anne-Marie Donovan
Performances: March 10-12, & 17-19, 2011
Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building
Creative team
Study Students - Pam Hutton, Jessica Smith ,Kristi Dukovic
Fight Director - Daniel Levinson
Dialect Coach - Heather Hill
Carpentry - Anthony Fick (head), Lindsay Grisebach, Meg Hill, Melody Mui, Derrick Rabethge, Simon Thibodeau
Wardrobe - Joanna Hunter (head), Vienna Brandstatter, Chelsea Coles, Michelle Kestle, Laurel Koverko, Ali Reid
Lighting - Selin Erkaya (head), Caitlyn Derderian, Andreea Hluscu, Tallen Kay, Sonia Laposi, Lilli Markle, Katie Stewart
Properties - Shaw Forgeron (head), Josh Campbell, Soo-Ram Kim, Zach Parsons, Mike Webb, Vicki Zhang
Sound - Tom Duff (head), Will Innes
Publicity & Front of House - Robin Atchison (head), Katherine Ronzio, Robert Motum