Fishing, by Michael Weller, portrays incisively the various kinds of psychic buttressing necessary for self survival in contemporary society. Weller's raggle-taggle group of sixties Moonchildren, stuck in 1974, present the culmination of the Kerouac "Beat" tradition of "On the Road," distilled down to the simple credo, "Another day, another trip." Having fulfilled the manifest destiny of motion and space that we have come to recognize as the North American epic journey of self-discovery, the group erects a disillusioned Disneyland of the mind in a west coast fishing village. As Weller chronicles their pathetic attempts to get the "William-Acid Rock-Where did the sixties go-Barenberg-Pacific Salmon-Outta Sight Enterprises Inc." off the ground, he compassionately exposes both human weaknesses and the pain of thedrug experience. With its resonance into the inner consciousness, Fishing is fascinating for what it tells us about ourselves.
Fall 1984 Production

By Michael Weller
Directed by: Michael Fletcher
Performances: October 23-27, & October 30 - November 3, 1984
Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building
Bill - Paul Carpino
Robbie - Chris Wilson
Robbie - Scott Robertson
Shelly - Janet Monid
Shelly - Jillian Lewis
Rory - Trevor Bennett
Reilly - Les Faichney
Dane - Bernie Roehl
Mary Ellen - Kathy DeLory
Mary Ellen - Gioia Gehrels
Director - Michael Fletcher
Set/Costume/Lights Designer - Greg Yellenik
Stage Manager - James Milburn
Assistant stage Manager - Bernice Passchin
Sound Operator - Duffy Knox
Electrics Master - Adam Qualter
Electrics - James Laforet
Props - Brian Hamilton
Gord Snider
Costume Mistress - Stephanie Moskal
Make-Up - Susan Schmidt
Colene Morrison
Carpentry Master - Steve Gabe
Carpenters - Randy Urquhart
Gord Snider
Robert Muir
Shopper's Drug Mart, Waterloo Town Square
The Tobacco & Variety Shop
California Cycle & Sport