Another Coach House play, Ann-Marie MacDonald’s Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet), mixes styles with uproarious and provocative results. It is the story of a mousy Queen’s University lecturer, Constance Ledbelly, whose progress on her long-delayed PhD thesis is impeded by the scholarly ghost-writing she provides for Professor Claude Knight, the object of her unrequited love. Indeed, Constance has become a laughingstock in her small academic circle because of her obsession with an oddball literary theory: that Othello and Romeo and Juliet are hasty rewrites of earlier (and now lost) comedies. She has a Renaissance alchemist’s manuscript which will surely prove she’s right - if only she could decode it. But Connie’s world is shattered when her Knight runs off with his star graduate student. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, Constance is then whisked away to far-off lands inhabited by strange people - who look a lot like some of the folks back at Queen’s.
In the Cyprus of Othello, Constance exposes Iago’s treachery, and thus earns the eternal gratitude of the Moor and his bride. But Desdemona, far from the simpering victim we might expect, turns out to be a headstrong warrior who is equally vulnerable to Iago’s slanders. As the jealous Desdemona prepares to take her revenge, a second Jungian tornado whirls Constance into the middle of Shakespeare’s most famous street fight. There, disguised as a boy, she saves Romeo and Tybalt by disclosing their new kinship - and is plunged into a new round of unforeseen consequences. All the while Constance ransacks the Shakespearean plays for clues as to who the “real” author is, and where the Wise Fool might be who could turn these plays to comedy.
First produced in 1988, Goodnight Desdemona has recently attracted new productions in both professional and university theatres. And no wonder. The play is both delightfully literate and engagingly lowbrow, provoking laughter with both subtle Shakespearean allusions and irresistibly bad puns. Beyond the story of our plucky heroine, and beyond some ingenious Shakespearean burlesque, lies a feminist allegory accessible to even the most porcine or male chauvinists. In the end, as a Prologue promises, “mingling and unmingling opposites/transform base metal into precious gold”. Constance learns that she is the author of her own life, and a fool wise enough to laugh at her own small tragedies. It is her own mettle which is transformed.
Winter 1998 Production

By Ann-Marie MacDonald
Directed by: Denis Johnston
Performances: March 24-27, 1998
Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building
Direction & Design
Director - Denis Johnston
Set Design - William Chesney
Costume Design - Jocelyne Sobeski
Lighting Design - Aisling Sampson
Technical Director/Theatre of the Arts - Scott Spidell
Technical Director/Humanities Theatre - Peter Carette
Theatre Centre Manager - Peter Houston
Dramatis Personae
Juliet/Jill - Stacey Bartlett
Chorus/Ghost - Dale Boyer
Constance Ledbelly - Emily Oriold
Desdemona/Ramona - Orla Roantree
Mercutio/Servant - Trevor Copp
Iago - Bart Cormier
Tybalt/Soldier - Brad Goddard
Romeo - Ben Janzen
Professor Night/Othello/Nurse - Parnelli Parnes
Faculty and Staff
William Chadwick
Bill Poole
William Chesney
Jocelyne Sobeski
Joel Greenberg
Scott Spidell
Joyce Hahn
Jill Tomasson Goodwin
Maarten van Dijk
Visiting Artists
James Binkley
Marylu Moyer
Lloy Coutts
Jennifer O’Connor
Stephen Degenstein
Adam Qualter
Anne-Marie Donovan
Aisling Sampson
Denis Johnston
Meg Westley
Stage Manager - Michael Haltrecht
Assistant Stage Managers - Melanie Klodt, Marla Nicholls, Trina Sookhai
Student Production Manager - Michael Haltrecht
Assistant Technical Director - Angela Marshall
Head of Wardrobe Crew - Julie Moore
Wardrobe Crew - Tammy Casey, Jennifer Duncan, Meghan Murtha
Head of Carpentry - Chris Goddard
Head of Lighting - Nancy McCune
Carpentry/Lighting Crew - Dale Boyer, Norm Friend, Paul Moukperian
Head of Properties - Jenna Pollard
Properties Crew - Drama 244 Class
Head of Sound - Daryl Kropf
Scenic Painting Crew - Drama 244 Class
Head of Publicity - Joyce Hahn
House Manager - Peter Houston
Publicity/Front of House Assistant - Allyson Hoffman
Photography - Nancy McCune, Maria Velitchkova
Fight Choreography/Fight Captains - Trevor Copp, Brad Goddard
Fight Consultant - Joel Harris
Dance Choreography - Joel Greenberg
Magic Consultant - David Ben (The Conjuror)
Rehearsal Deputy - Bart Cormier
Dramaturgical Assistant - Ingrid Keenan
Drama 244 Class
Dale Boyer
Daryl Kropf
Jennifer Duncan
Nancy McCune
Norm Friend
Julie Moore
Chris Goddard
Paul Moukperian
Allyson Hoffman
Meghan Murtha
Melanie Klodt
Jenna Pollard
Thank You to ...
Sharon Morrice
Michael Purves-Smith
Westfield Heritage Village
Carl Wylie, Centre in the Square