Hold Me!

Winter 1991 Production

A Satirical Revue by Jules Feiffer

Directed by: Joel Greenberg

Perfromances: February 13-16, 1991

Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building


Mike Glussich

Cathy Haavaldsrud

Kathy McGregor

Alanna McLean

Chris Reid

Tim Rogers

Darlene Spencer

Creative Team

Director – Joel Greenberg

Light Designer – Al Anderson

Costume Coordinator – Jocelyne Sobeski

Assistant Director – Cathy Janzen

Production Team

Stage Manager – Brianna Wherry

Prop Master – Chris Knarr

Master Electrician – Tony Bristow

Sound Master - Craig Nickerson

Costume Mistress – Joanna Mills

Master Carpenter – David Cheoros

Assistant Stage Manager - Bev Haffner, Jane Hammond, Arlene Thomas

Publicity – Joyce Hahn

Program Photography -Terry Gauchat

Set Construction/ Painting Crew -Drama 244

Special Thanks

Alex Kordics

University of Waterloo Theatre Centre