Banner of man burning promotional material for IMMOLATION with date details
IMMOLATION Winter 2024 Production

IMMOLATION is an artistic and powerful devised piece on rebellion and freedom split into four movements. Inspired by the stories of real freedom fighters, the ensemble aspires to delve into the nuances of their own interpretations of freedom. Loosely inspired by the theme of decolonization, director Pam Patel aims to delve into how these characters are shaped by their stories and how they interact together.  

During this experience the characters find themselves exploring a myriad of intricate and nuanced subjects, such as class distinctions, status quo, rebellion, safe spaces, the struggles faced by the trans community, and matriarchy, all set against the broader backdrop of the pursuit of freedom. At its core IMMOLATION is about finding out what freedom is. There are costs to freedom, scars we gain and sometimes we lose ourselves for it. Come explore what freedom means to you and join the fight.  

Before the show, attendees are encouraged to participate in the interactive engagement area. Doors will be open 30 minutes prior to the performance, allowing the audience to interact with installations that mirror the thematic focal points of IMMOLATION and delve into the creative inspiration behind this innovative work. Within the theatre gallery, spectators are invited to fully immerse themselves in a thematic exhibition designed to extend the world of the play to the world right in front of us. Attendees are also invited to stay after the production to participate in a talkback with the cast and creators. 

Collectively Created by the Ensemble

Directed by: Pam Patel

Assistant Direction & Text Development by : Sepehr Reybod

Performances: March 20  - 23, 2024 at 7:30 pm

Student Matinee: Friday, March 22 at 11:30 a.m. 

Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages


Quinn Andres 

Jaime Borromeo 

Maddie Cranston

Nika Ghorbani

June Sung

Iman Yousefi

Creative Team

Director -  by Pam Patel

Assistant Director & Text Developer -  Sepehr Reybod

Set Designer - Trevor Schwellnus

Costume Designer - A.W. Nadine Grant

Lighting Designer - Siobhan Sleath*

Sound Designer - Gill Brook

Sound Design Mentor - John Gzowski

Prop Coordinator -  Shaw Forgeron

Acting Coach - Brad Cook

Fight Choreography - Daniel Levinson

Production Team

Stage Manager – Emily Zandbergen

ASM of Props - Paula Bornacelli

ASM of Wardrobe - Hanna Freitas

Production Manager – Janelle Rainville

Assistant Production Manage - Alex Brown

Technical Director - Chris Greenhalgh

Technical Coordinator of the Theatre of the Arts - Emma Alderman

Scenic Painter - Madeline Samms

Supervising Dramaturg - Sorouja Moll

Sound Supervisor - Carlos Fernandez

Head of Carps - Devon Maclean

Head of Props - Anna Whitehead

Head of Wardrobe - Abhishek Bommali

Head of Lighting - Jasmine Rajaballey

Publicity & Outreach Associate - Connor Khoja



Ashley Abbott

Aysha Adnan

Charlotte Levinski

Theo Patterson

Trayquan (Tray) Stay


Morgaine McEvoy


Lilian Lam

Morgaine McEvoy

John Stapleton

Cinthya Tran

(Costume Shop Work-Study)


Thalia Criollo Guerrero

Jessica Li


Thalia Criollo Guerrero

Vivian Dai

Jessica Li

Linus Ma

Malachi Wolters


Quinn Hetherington

Lex Podrats

* The participation of these Artists is arranged by permission of Canadian Actors' Equity Association under the provisions of the Dance Opera Theatre Policy (DOT).