The Importance of Being Earnest 2006

Fall 2006 Production

Written by Oscar Wilde

Directed by Anne-Marie Donovan

Performances: November 15-18, 2006

Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building


Lane/Merriman - John Cormier

Algernon Moncrieff - Brad Cook

John Worthing - Brendan Riggs

Lady Bracknell - Greg Carere

Gwendolen Fairfax - Michelle Jedrzejewski

Miss Prism - Bridget Myers

Cecily Cardew - Jennifer Lorbetski

Dr. Chasuble - Michael Kolodziej


Director - Anne-Marie Donovan

Assistant Director - Viktorija Kovac

Set Design - William Chesney

Costume Design - Jocelyne Sobeski

Lighting Design - Scott Spidell

Sound Design - Fraser Smith


Stage Manager - Danielle Jewinski

Asst. Stage Manager (Props) - Joe Recchia

Asst. Stage Manager (Wardrobe) - Andrea Dupuis

Asst. Stage Manager (Book) - Monica Skorupski

Production Manager - Amy Tait

Publicity - Robin Atchison

Publicity Crew - Heather Muir, Francesca Reid

Dramaturg - Zara Rafferty

Carpentry (Staff) - Gill Lesperance

Carpentry (Crew) - Stephen Chen, Alex Lekawski, Monty Martin, Kelly McNeely, Brenda Pilatzke, Travis Sewchan

Lighting (Staff) - Fraser Smith, Gill Lesperance

Lighting (Crew) - Emily Howard (Crew Head), Michael Albert, Dan Cristofori, Derek Lindman, Ciaran Myers, Nick Peppiat, John Wideman, Sarah Widmeyer, Leonard Zgrablic

Wardrobe (Staff) - Jocelyne Sobeski

Wardrobe (Crew) - Miranda Francis, Garth Graham, Keriece Harris, Alisha Kocher, Lexie Mitchell, Amy O’Grady, Aimee Villapando

Sound (Staff) - Fraser Smith

Sound (Crew) - Lisa Bosman

Program - Zara Rafferty

House Manager - Shelby Barker

Props/Scenic Paint (Staff) - William Chesney

Props/Scenic Paint (Crew) - Jessica Moore (Crew Head), Calla Churchwood, Jocelyn Urquhart, Carly Verhoeven, Janna Youngblut

Special thank you to

Theatre Sheridan – Jane McLeod

Sandy Lesperance

University of Guelph- Paul Ord

Carpets courtesy of Silk Road Fine Carpets, Kitchener

Wandering Minstrel Music Store – Mark Rowsom

UW Greenhouse