Lysistrata [After Dark]
UWaterloo Drama presented Lysistrata [After Dark], adapted and directed by Shaw Forgeron. This play had been adapted from Aristophanes' original script Lysistrata which was written in 411 BC. This undergraduate thesis project had been produced and was performed by a group of talented theatre students from the UW Drama Department as part of their ongoing studies.
**Warning - Mature subject matter... not suitable for children.**
Given the choice, would you rather have world peace forever OR no more sex ever again? The answer is obvious, but, for the citizens of ancient Athens, things are a little more complicated. When the women of Greece deliver a stiff ultimatum, bitter rivalries must be set aside, and a nation's democracy is taken to task. In a contemporary musical adaptation of Aristophanes' classical text, gender roles, politics, and religion all come under scrutiny. Lysistrata [AD] is sexy-fun, funny, and fantastical - where sexuality is a mechanism to exploit status, stigma, and stereotyping. You'll laugh, you'll think on important issues, and you may become intriguingly aroused (because that's important too)!
Winter 2013 Production

Adapted and Directed by Shaw Forgeron
Performances: April 11-13, 2013
Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building
Lysistrata - Jane Honek
Cleonicé - Alley Bilodeau
Myrrhiné - Aviva Dreksler
Lampito - Greg Johnson
Cinesias - Yusuf Zine
Magistrate - William Innes
Herald - Stephan Petersen
Chorus, Guitar - Brent Meidinger
Chorus, Piano - Tiffany Martindale
Chorus, Drums - Derek McGill
Chorus, Violin - Shaw Forgeron
Pompeii’s Fist – Pompeii’s Fist
Creative Team
Shaw Forgeron – Director, Adaptation, Set Design, Props, Fight Choreography
Katie Honek – Stage Manager
Courtney Palmer – Stage Manager
Kassandra Caporiccio – Assistant Stage Manager
Mark Haasnoot – Costume Design
Meghan Jones – Cosmetic Design
Selin Erkaya – Lighting Design
Keethan Krishnamoorthy – Sound Design
Caitlyn Derderian – Paint
David Bui – Dance Choreography
William Innes – Media Design, Photography
Special Thanks
Janelle Rainville (Production Advisor)
Jennifer Roberts-Smith (Directing Advisor)
Sharon Secord
Gill Lesperance
Scott Spidell
William Chesney
Jennifer Simpson
Robin Atchison
Standard Deviation Theatre
Betsey Daub / John Honek
Thompson Duff
Chantaine Green-Leach
Sarah Noiseux
Carly Derderian
Emily Galvao
Jenn Addesso
Donna Schell