Daniel MacIvor Comes to UW … Twice!!
This Is A Play was about a play about a play. Liam Lacey, in The Globe and Mail, referred to it as, "Ingenious, whimsical…a comedy you might associate with Tom Stoppard." When the play first premiered at the 1992 Toronto Fringe Festival, audiences were knocked out by MacIvor's manic humour and the simplicity with which he skewered social conventions.
House, a one-man tour de force, originally featured MacIvor himself. Since its premiere, almost eight years ago, the play has been performed by many actors in many languages -- if anyone wondered about the playwright and actor being inextricably defined by this work, the production history succeeds at eradicating such thoughts. House is, by turns, savagely comic and heartfelt.
Winter 2003 Production

Performances: February 5-8 & 12-15, 2003
Venue: Hagey Hall 180
This Is a Play
Male Actor/Joey - Matt Borch
Female Actor/Sissy - Rachel Molnar
Older Female Actor/Auntie - Erika Sedge
Victor - John E. Robertson
Director (This Is A Play) - Jeremy Taylor
Director (House) - Erika Sedge
Set Design - William Chesney
Lighting Design - Travis Hatt
Costume Design - Jocelyne Sobeski
Costume Coordination - Steph McKay
Sound Design - Fraser Smith
Stage Managers:
This Is A Play - Jessica Bowman
House - Erin Neilson
Assistant Stage Manager - Celeste Dickson
Production Manager - Scott Banks
Technical Director - Scott Spidell
Publicity - Joyce Hahn
Publicity Assistant - Erika Kottelenberg
House Manager - Jen Cook
Front of House & Publicity Crew - Dana Fernald, Robyn Joffe
Poster & Program Cover Design - Yen Chu Design
Program Design - Drama 301 Class
Lighting Head - David Devine
Lighting Crew - Ariel Bourbonnais, Smantha Leask, Amanda Rees
Carpentry Head - Heather Bedard
Carpentry Crew - Tegan Cassidy, Denise Hill, Jessica Jones, Eloisa Laquiran
Wardrobe Head - Miranda EJ Warner
Wardrobe Assistant - Meredith Kenzie
Wardrobe Crew - Lindsey Alston, Amaranth Day, Jessica O’Connor
Props Head - Janine Auger
Scenic Pain Head - Krystina Labadie
Props & Scenic Paint Crew - Lori Anderson, Travis Hatt, Julia Schuessler
Sound - Monika Chmiel
Additional Crew - Rasheed Ali, Diana Knoll, Greg More, Christina Romasz
Special thank you to
Home Depot
UW Theatre Centre