The lure of wealth… the charm of romance… the intricacies of law… the burning desire for revenge.
In no other play do we find greater proof of the genius of Shakespeare. With its interwoven tales of love and vengeance, The Merchant of Venice provided a rich tapestry of images and ideas to delight and challenge the actors and audience alike. How are the thoughts and actions of Portia, Antonio, Shylock and the others relevant today?
This play has been a success with audiences ever since it was first performed hundreds of years ago. Its characters and themes remain as fascinating and as controversial as ever. The University of Waterloo Drama Department’s exciting production projectdcall the familiar characters from the Renaissance into the modern world, helping us to see this brilliant story- and its darker side- in a new way.
Fall 2000 Production

By William Shakespeare
Directed by: Joel Greenberg
Performances: November 22-25, 2000
Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building
The Duke of Venice - Ted Pegg
The Prince of Morocco, suitor to Portia - Rohit Ramchandand
The Prince of Arragon, suitor to Portia - Rob Waiser
Antonio, a merchant of Venice - William Chadwick
Bassanio, his friend and suitor to Portia - Trevor Martin
Solanio, friend to Antonio and Bassanio - Jay D’Aoust
Salerio, friend to Antonio and Bassanio - Chris Goddard
Gratiano, friend to Antonio and Bassanio - Brad Goddard
Lorenzo, in love with Jessica - James Barr
Shylock, a Jew - Joel Greenberg*
Tubal, a Jew, his friend - Ted Pegg
Launcelot Gobbo, servant to Shylock - Andy Trithardt
Portia, a rich heiress, of Belmont - Emily Boutet
Nerissa, her waiting-woman - Erin Brandenburg
Jessica, daughter to Shylock - Jen Waescher
Attendants - Jef Gagnon, Cindy Hackelberg, Leigh McClymont, Cathleen McKague, Romina Oliverio, John Robertson, Anne Scott
*Joel Greenberg took over the role of Shylock mid-way through the rehearsal process after the actor cast original in this role, Alex Pak, had to withdraw for family reasons
Director - Joel Greenberg
Set and Costume Designer - William Chesney
Lighting Designer - Glenn Davidson
Sound Designer - Raj Gill
Dramaturg - Gerd Hauck
Stage Manager - Jenna Pollard
Assistant Stage Managers - Chris Lee, Natalie Herr, Geoff Cowper-Smith
Technical Director - Scott Spidell
Assistant Technical Director - Fraser Smith
Student Assistant Technical Directors - Jef Gagnon, Trevor Martin
Production Manager - Dale Boyer
Wardrobe Supervisor - Jocelyne Sobeski
Wardrobe Head - Meredith Kenzie
Wardrobe Crew - Stephanie Coleman, Allison Jowett, Munria Murphy, Jill Smith
Lighting Operator - Graham Williams
Lighting Crew - Kristin Heffner, Will Migory, Andy Trithardt, Julia Turzanski, Nic Veriker
Props Head - Cheri-Anne Paisley
Props Crew - Janine Auger, Jessica Bowman, Amy Rosebush
Sound Operator - Jeremy Taylor
Scenic Paint Head - Erica McNiece
Scenic Paint Crew - Amanda Clancy, Nick Cumming, Tina Teeninga
Publicity - Joyce Hahn
Graphic Designer - Yen Chu
Program - Gerd Hauck
Running Crew - Rochelle Allan
Front of House - Tammy Eveland
Front of House/Publicity Assistants - Rachel Molnar, Erika Sedge
Aird Centre (WLU), Eldon Gallery, Hi-Lon Glass, Mariela Gutierrez, Peter Carette Theatre Centre, Scott Carrothers, Stratford Festival Warehouse, Theatre Aquarius Prop Shop, Theatre Sheridan