A Midsummer Night's Dream 1990

A Midsummer Night's Dream is Shakespeare's most popular play. It is also his funniest. The play is about love. All the characters in the play, both the human ones and the not so human ones are in love. Or want to be in love. Or try to be in love. Or try to stop others from being in love. Or become jealous, or hateful, or just generally mixed up because of love. "The course of true love never did run smooth" pretty well summarizes the actions of the play, and it is Puck who has the best description of human beings when they are caught up in the magic of this strange emotion. "Lord what fool these mortals be."

Winter 1990 Production

By William Shakespeare

Directed by: William Chadwick

Performances: March 20, 23, 24, 1990

Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building


Hippolyta/Titania - Anne Hoselton

Theseus/Oberon - Sean Saunders

Egeus - Dave Brown

Lysander - Bernard Kearney

Demetrius - Craig Mason

Hermia - Christine Brubacker

Helena Darlene Spencer

Bottom - Marvin Hinz

Quince - Alanna McLean

Flute/Thisby - Darren McCaffery

Snout/Wall - Randy Streich

Starveling/Moon - Marc Colavincenzo

Snug/Lion - Michael Albert

Puck - Cathy Janzen

Hippoltya's/Titania's Attendants - Irene Binstock

Hippoltya's/Titania's Attendants - Naomi Sneickus

Hippoltya's/Titania's Attendants - Sara Smith

Hippoltya's/Titania's Attendants - Tanya Ross

Theseus's/Oberon's Attendants - John Salvini

Theseus's/Oberon's Attendants - Sam Kassa

Theseus's/Oberon's Attendants - Bev Haffner

Philostrate - Jane Hammond

Changeling Boy - Holly Bristow


Director - William Chadwick

Costume Co-Ordinator - Marian Marshall

Lighting Design - Craig Smith

Stage Manager - Paula Steffler

Assistant Stage Managers - Karen Morton & Briana Wherry

Props - Irene Binstock

             Michael McGinn

Sound - Pam Weeks

Lighting Board Operator - Simon Foote

​Publicity - Marjorie Bruce

Painting & Set Construction -Drama 244 Class

Special Thanks

UW Theatre Centre

Teresa Desantis

Collins House of Formals, Waterloo

Imperial Optical Company

Sue Birtch

East Side Mario's

Karen Tuddenham

Barb & Michael Steffler