The festival presented young directors producing existing texts for the theatre, continuing the tradition of the UpStart festival, of presenting emerging theatre talents from both UW and the local community.
We showcased VANITIES by Jack Heifner, presented by three students as part of their undergraduate thesis project. A hilarious and poignant look at evolving feminine attitudes to sex and the world, the play charts the progress of three fast and very determined friends through high school and university in the 1960s and 70s. The production has been entirely directed, designed and produced by three Drama majors: Andrea Ferguson, Kara Harun and Kristin Wallace.
We also presented five other excerpts or one-act plays, directed by students of our directing class, led by faculty member Joel Greenberg. They are:
By George F. Walker
Directed by Jennifer Lorbetski
Part of Walker's "Suburban Motel" series, "Featuring Loretta" was a fast-paced comedy about a girl willing to do anything to keep her options open, the two guys trying to help her, and a very confused motel maid along for the ride.
By William Saroyan
Directed by Michelle Logan
Echoing voices that transcend through time haunted the stage in this adapted version of William Saroyan's play. The story of a criminal doing time for rape, the play also demonstrated how love can be more powerful than a key to truly set someone's spirit free.
By Allen Ginsberg
Adapted and directed by John Trihn
HOWL explored willing self-exposure to suffering. We all make choices, and sometimes willingly choose the path that will lead to heartbreak. Does experience make us a witness? Does it justify our choices? This project interpreted and expressed Ginsberg’s work through movement and spoken word. What is it that motivates a person to keep moving, to keep living when surrounded by utter desolation? Perhaps it is hope? Perhaps it is something else.
By Beth Henley
Directed by Michelle Jedrezjewski
Lenny, Meg, and Babe McGrath are three sisters, reunited when Babe is arrested for shooting her husband. As the story unfolded, so did their secrets, as well as the unique bond that lies hidden in their lives.
By George F. Walker
Directed by Vik Kovac
Set in the early 90's, an alienated working-class youth on the edge of adulthood is forced to make tough decisions, in the process discovering her inner strength, and the limitations of her reliance on the other people in her life.
Winter 2007 Production

An Evening of One Act Plays
Performances: February 1-4, 8-11, 2007
Venue: Hagey Hall 180, Humanities Building
Directed, designed and produced by - Andrea Ferguson (lighting design), Kara Harun (set design), Kristin Wallace (costume design)
Cast - Andrea Ferguson, Kara Harun, Kristin Wallace
Crew - Alysha Johnson (Stage Manager), Sarah Bihun, John Cormier, Michelle Foster, Jessica Moore
Featuring Loretta
Director - Jennifer Lorbetski
Cast - Ciaran Myers, Nick Peppiatt, Ivona Radon, Miranda E.J. Warner
Crew - Andrea Dupuis (Stage Manager), Kendra Marr, Trevor Rochon, Saerom Yoon
Hello Out There
Director - Michelle Logan
Cast - Calla Churchward, David Couture, Derek Lindman, Bridget Myers, Karim Rizkallah, Courtney Wilson
Crew - Michelle Horel (Stage Manager), Wes Moir
Adapted and directed by - John Trinh
Cast - Casee Ahrens, John Cormier, Emma Dines, Kereice Harris, Julie Kosowski, Brenda Pilatzke
Crew - Shelby Barker (Stage Manager), Jason Garramone, Katrina Sauve, Monica Skorupski
Crimes of the Heart
Director - Michelle Jedrezejewski
Cast - Elizabeth Barry, Brad Cook, Amy Cruikshank, Julie Kern, Natalie Mathieson
Crew - Whitney Allen (Stage Manager), Mike Klein, Ryan Stickney, Nadia Vrancic
Director - Vik Kovac
Cast - Whitney Allen, Wesley Moir, Lindsay Weber
Crew - Joe Recchia (Stage Manager), David Couture, Amanda Lang, Melissa Runhart
For New Directions
Producer - William Chesney
Production Stage Manager - Jacqui Kaiser
Technical Director - Fraser Smith
Publicity - Shelby Barker, Amanda Lang
House Manager - Bridget Myers
Technical support - members of the DRAMA 244 class
For UW Drama
Technical Director, UW Drama - Fraser Smith
Resident Costumier - Jocelyne Sobeski
Admin Assistant Publicist - Robin Atchison