Thornton Wilder's Pulitzer Prize-winning play Our Town was truly an unconventional piece of drama when it was first presented in 1938. The originality of Wilder's piece is defined in his simple set directions: "No curtain. No scenery." In an era of theatre identified by frivolous musicals and screwball comedies with elaborate sets, Wilder's minimalistic approach (a production without any scenery and very few props) was quite revolutionary. Without the distractions of a complex set design, audiences of Our Town are able to focus on Wilder's powerful tale, often described as "the tragedy of time." Despite the potentially alienating lack of scenery and props, Wilder's play has managed to captivate audiences for nearly seventy years, welcoming young and old alike to join the community of Our Town.
Our Town is a glimpse of a small New Hampshire town named Grover's Corners, and the events that unfold there around the turn of the century. The town is small, with a population of 2 642, and its citizens form a close-knit community. The central figure guiding the audience through the events onstage is that of the Stage Manager, a rather unusual figure. The Stage Manager narrates and manipulates the events onstage, shifting time at his whim and providing commentary on what's happening. The action begins on "May 7, 1901. The time is just before dawn." The Stage Manager titles Act One "Daily Life", and the audience is shown the heart of Grover's Corners. Through the events unfolding onstage, one experiences the exciting and the mundane, the unusual and the everyday. Men go about their business, women go about their daily household tasks, and children vie for attention from parents and sometimes that "special someone." We also catch brief glimpses of the darker world permeating Grover's Corners, a world of unfulfilled dreams and drowning sorrows.
"Love and Marriage" is the title of the second act and our second journey into Grover's Corners. "Three years have passed," according to the Stage Manager, "... the sun's come up over a thousand times." Some things are just as they were. The men continue their business and the women continue their never-ending housework. But some things have changed: children have grown up, friendships have blossomed into romances, and the entire town is busily awaiting the greatest of celebrations, a wedding. Amidst the joys of this wonderful event are shadows of looming fears - the fear of change, the fear of leaving behind the life you once knew, the fear of what the future may bring. In this act, the young protagonists question whether they truly are ready to face the world.
Our third and final journey into Grover's Corners is one that the Stage Manager refuses to name. She merely states, "I reckon you can figure what [it's] about." It is now the summer of 1913, and nine more years have passed. In fulfillment of the fears alluded to in the previous acts, much has changed in Grover's Corners. New babies have been born and some familiar faces are now gone. However, with the grimness of death comes a belated appreciation for living, and the stark realization of how we take life for granted.
Fall 2005 Production

By Thornton Wilder
Directed by: Alan K. Sapp
Performances: November 16-19, 2005
Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building
Stage Manager - Alison Jutzi
SM Understudy / Townsperson - Elizabeth Barry
Dr. Gibbs - Greg Carere
Mrs. Gibbs - Julie Kern
George Gibbs - Brad Cook
Rebecca Gibbs - Emma Dines
Editor Webb - Michael Albert
Mrs. Webb - Michelle Jedrzejewski
Emily Webb - Courtney Wilson
Wally Webb - Brendan Riggs
Howie Newson - Nathaniel Gibbs
Simon Stimson - Johnny Trinh
Mrs. Soames - Amy Cruickshank
Constable Warren - Ryan Martin
Joe/Si Crowell - Wesley Moir
Prof. Willard/Joe Stoddard - Jon Gordner
Sam Craig/Townsperson - Wes Rowley
Townsperson - Sarah Bihun
Creative Team:
Director - Alan K. Sapp
Assistant Director - Vik Kovac
Set Design - William Chesney
Costume Design - Jocelyne Sobeski
Lighting Design - Lesley Wilkinson
Associate Lighting Design - Wendy Greenwood
Sound Design - Fraser Smith
Musical Director - Peter de Sousa
Choir Director - Johnny Trinh
Production Team:
Stage Manager - Alysha Johnson
Assistant Stage Managers - Amy Tait, Danielle Jewinski, Steve Ryder
Production Stage Manager - Jacqui Kaiser
Technical Director - Fraser Smith
Dramaturgy and Program - Drama 301 Class
Poster - Yen Chu Design
Publicity/FOH - Robin Atchison
Publicity/FOH Crew - Elizabeth Pilzecker, Michelle Horel
Lighting - Fraser Smith, Gill L’Esperance
Head of Lighting - Stephanie Casselman
Lighting Crew - Jason Garramone, Amanda Lang, Kendra Marr, Wesley Moir, Trevor Rochon, Katrina Sauve, Nadia Vrancic
Carpentry/Props/Painting - Gill L’Esperance (Carpentry), William Chesney (Props and Painting)
Carpentry/Props/Painting Crew - Whitney Allan, John Cormier, David Couture, Michelle Foster, Michael Klein, Melissa Runhart, Tara Sexton
Wardrobe - Jocelyne Sobeski
Wardrobe Crew - Shelby Barker, Sarah Bihun, Andrea Dupuis, Jessica Moore, Monica Skorupski, Ryan Stickney
Sound Crew - Joseph Recchia
Website Designer - Emily Schooley
Website Assistants - Jessica Moore, Joseph Recchia
Peter Carette, Mr. Paul Cotey from GTT Sales, Scott Spidell