R3 (Richard III)
Re-imagined into our modern, media-driven world, the UWaterloo Drama production of Shakespeare's Richard III presented a fresh take on the nature of power and the manner in which public discourse is deployed, distorted, and manipulated in our highly mediated society.
Richard III remains the world’s most popular history play, a reputation only heightened by the 2013 discovery of the historical king’s bones under an English parking lot. Richard’s relentless rise to power shows that tyranny relies as much on mass-acceptance as force or manipulation, and sometimes that trajectory can be slowed by the simplest acts of resistance. Reimagined into our modern, media-driven world, UWaterloo Drama’s Richard III presented a fresh take on the nature of power and manner in which public discourse is deployed, distorted, and manipulated in our highly mediated society.
Aided by faculty, staff, alumnus and student designers, Bill Chesney (Set/props), Sharon E. Secord (costumes), Tallen Kay and Paul Cegys (video) and Hilary Pitman (lighting), director Jennifer Roberts-Smith created a modern world where social media, real life, and high-definition staged broadcasts vied for the audience’s attention. Set in a mediated observatory that gave Richard the power to see and be seen, this new adaptation asked what the history of the maligned English monarch could tell us about ourselves. Is tyranny any more visible to us in the hyper-mediated age of the Internet than it was in Shakespeare's time? How can we know it when we see it? And when and how should we oppose it?
Fall 2013 Production

By William Shakespeare
Adapted by: Toby Malone
Directed by: Jennifer Roberts-Smith
Performances: November 13-16, 2013
Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building
Cast (by faction)
Patrick Pinnell - King Edward IV
Derek McGill - The Duke of Clarence
Meghan Jones - The Duchess of York
Adam Lemieux - Sir William Hastings
Erik Johnson - Brakenbury
Leah Magdalen - Queen Elizabeth
Alan Shonfield - The Young King
Tyler Collins - The Duke of York
Alan Shonfield - The Earl Rivers
Ryan Bassett - Richard
Andreea Hluscu - Duke of Buckingham
Jessica Blondin - Catesby
Mollie Garrett - Techie
Derrick Rabethge - James Tyrell
Kandi Prosser - Lady Ann Neville
Brendan Stehouwer - Prince Edward
Sam Beuerle - King Henry IV
William Innes - Lord Mayor of London
James Miniou - Lord Stanley
Tyler Collins - Young George
Earl of Richmond Citizens:
William Innes
Adam Lemieux
Derrick Rabethge
Soo-Ram Kim
Shantanu Thaivappil
Erik Johnson
Laura McVey
Rebecca Birrell
Patrick Pinnell
Holly Bouillon
Creative Team
Director - Jannifer Roberts-Smith
Dramaturg - Toby Malone
Set/Props Designer - William Chesney
Costume Designer - Sharon E. Secord
Video Designer - Tallen Key
Lighting Designer - Hilary Pitman
Sound Designer - Gill Lesperance
Design Consultant - Paul Cegys
Fight Director - Daniel Levinson
Make-up Artist for video - Cassandra Cline
Production Team
Production Manager - Janelle Rainville
Technical Director - Gil Lesperance
Assistant Production Manager - Jane Honek
Stage Manager - Kelly Conlan
Assistant Stage Managers - Kelsey Sewell, Jackie Mahoney, Carleigh MacDonald
Head of Carpentry - Michael To
Head of Props/Paint - Madeline Samms
Head of Wardrobe - Michael To
Head of Lighting - Sam Beuerle
Head of Sound - Stefan Radic
Head of Video - Eric Kim
Head of Publicity - Katie Stewart
Fight Captains - Derrick Rabethge, Soo-Ram Kim
Carla Rodrigo
Lorena Almanaz
Meghan Landers
Mollie Garrett
Nicole Amaral
Sydney Spidell
Alice Wang
Andrew Labre
Cameron Jolliffe
Carly Derderian
Marielle Lyon
Zac Gungl
Special thank-yous
Theatre Aquarius
Shaw Festival
Young People’s Theatre
Bob Martin
Mary-Jo Carter Dodd
Zac Gungl
Katie Smith
Cassandra Cline
Glenn Stillar
Kevin McLeod
Jennifer Janik
Jill Tomasson Goodwin
Dave Goodwin
Kevin Hansen
Christine Cameron
Will Innes
Keith McGowan
Nevill Bromley
Christie Digital Systems
Jane Honek
Mark Haasnoot