The uses and abuses of power is one of the themes of Romeo Juliet. The Prince, who stands at the apex of the civil power structure in this play has been singularly unsuccessful in maintaining law and order in his society. Capulet and his wife, who may be seen as dysfunctional parents, are manipulative in the matter of their daughter's marriage, and the little we see of Montague suggests that he, too, has lost touch with his son. Even the Friar and the Nurse, who are the only adults that Romeo and Juliet can turn to for advice exercise their power as counselors in a highly questionable manner. They both have a lot to answer for. In a world where civil, parental and other adult guides are so inadequate, it is little wonder that the young end up on the road to disaster.
By William Shakespeare
Directed by: William Chadwick
Performances: November 20-23, 1996
Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building
Police 1 - Taylor Bastien
Montague - Demetreus Blakemore
Singer - Dave Brown
Montague/Capulet Guest - Michael Boutet
Balthazar - Richard Boychuck
Prince - Jay D’Aoust
Friar Lawrence - Jonathan Dietrich
Paris - Jason Finucan
Romeo - Norm Friend
Montague/Capulet Guest - Melissa Gurney
Nurse - Jenell Harbin
Capulet Serving Girl - Erin Kell
Benvolio - Sharon Kelly
Police 2 - Geoff Kolomayz
Tybalt - Cyrus Lane
Capulet - Tom Leslie
Juliet - Krista Paige Little
Montague Waiter - Roberto Machado
Montague / Hairdresser - Margaret McKnight
Capulet Guest - Stephanie Morson
Peter - Parnelli Parnes
Montague - Andrew Renner
Lady Capulet - Heather Roberts
Mercutio - Calvin Sweers
Apothecary - Sean Vivian
Creative Team
Director - William Chadwick
Set Design - William Chesney
Costume Design - Jocelyne Sobeski
Lighting Design - Graham Frampton
Fight Director - James Binkley
Music Director - Robin Feick
Production Team
Stage Manager - Diane Flynn
Assistant Stage Managers - Sandy Burke, Marcus Schwenzer, Catherine Seeback
Production Manager - Angela Marshall
Technical Director/Theatre of the Arts - Scott Spidell
Assistant Technical Director/Sound Operator - Bart Cormier
Fight Captain - Geoff Kolomayz
Head of Lighting Crew - Tigger McCullough
Lighting Crew - Claudine Albreish, Marla Posthuma, Juston Sharratt, Garth van Heurden
Head of Sound Crew - Tom Leslie
Head of Carpentry Crew - Pat Race
Carpentry Crew - Stephen Bailey, Dave McCormick, Dave Brown, Jennifer Parker
Head of Scenic Painting Crew - Lauriann Thorne
Scenic Painting Crew - Claire Francis, Nadine Thornhill,
Head of Properties Crew - Ruth Kelly
Prop Crew - Jay D’Aoust, Andrea Petersen, Vicki Sloan
Heads of Wardrobe - Jenny Anderson, Alkan Emin
Wardrobe Crew - Henry Broczkowski, Natalie Budd, Laurita Lue-Shing, Trina Sookhai, Caroline White
Head of Publicity - Joyce Hahn
Publicity Assistant - Andrea Renaud
House Manager/Theatre of the Arts - Alia Lachanna
Publicity Assistant/Assistant House Manager - Lise-Anne Terpstra
Photographer - Charmion Zoll
Thank You’s
Apple II Hairstylists
Larry McQuarrie
Jonathan Dietrich
Linda Patton
Drayton Festival Theatre
Tom Sloan
Danna Evans
Theatre Sheridan
Metal Welding by Bill Burney
Fountain courtesy of Garden Gate
Wedding Cake courtesy of Lancaster Cake Shoppe