Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You plus 'Dentity Crisis

Winter 1989 Production

By Christopher Durang

​Directed by: Joel Greenberg

Performances: March 14-18,1989

Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building

'Dentity Crisis Cast

Cat Mills - Jane

Anita S. McFarlene - Edith

Chris Reid - Robert

Ian Chaprin - Mr. Summers

Jill Fleishman - Woman

Sister Mary Ignatius Cast

Darlene Spencer - Sister Mary Ignatius

Robert Abel - Thomas

Chris Reid - Gary Sullivan

Lise Fortin - Diane Symonds

Cathy Haavaldsrud - Philomena Rostovitch

Brian Holmes - Aloysius Benheim

Creative Team

Set Design - Earl Stieler

Lighting Designer - Al Anderson

Director - Joel Greenberg

Assistant Director - Wendy Farrant

Production Team

Stage Manager - Paula Steffler

Assistant Stage Manager - David Cheoros

Sound - Kelly Wilson

Master Electrician - David Brown

Props Mistress - Kelly Garnier

Costumes - Cat Mills

Costume Mistress - Kate Pugsley

Publicity - Marjorie Bruce

Publicity Assistant - Brian Holmes

Carps/Paint - Drama 244 Class

Stage Crew - Derrick Chua, David Flynn, Kerry Garnier, Dan Moran, Craig Smith

Special Thanks

UW Theatre Centre

Stuart Fletcher

St. Jerome's College

The Costume House

St. Jerome's High School

Wilfrid Laurier University

Kelly Bennett

Collins House of Formals, Waterloo