George F. Walker was born in Toronto in 1947. Since the early seventies, when he wrote Prince of Naples in response to a call for scripts from the Factory Theatre, his reputation as one of Canada's foremost playwrights has spread. Walker's major breakthroughs came with Gossip in 1978 followed closely by Zastrozzi, both of which received international attention for his unapologetic blend of raw drama and dark comedy. Through well-known pieces such as Tough, Criminals in Love, and the Power Plays, Walker established his reputation as a powerful fixture in the modern Canadian Theatre. With the Suburban Motel series, Walker adds significantly to an impressive body of work, setting his writing in the quintessential 'nowhere' - a run-down Suburban Motel - and a cast of 'nobodies' - the kind of people who pin their last hopes on their sleeves and still never get a second glance. In Walker's hands, this faceless limbo becomes a somewhere, a home of spilled words and bottomless hopes where people converge. But we follow them, sometimes into places we known, sometimes into places we wish we never knew, and always toward the fiercely unexpected.
Featuring Loretta
Although Walker's dark wit is evident throughout the other episodes in the Suburban Motel cycle, only 'Criminal Genius' and 'Featuring Loretta' stand out as the most unashamedly comedic. The story of a young woman at a cross-roads in her life, 'Featuring Loretta' careens wildly from slapstick to gritty realism to outright farce. However, Lorrie is more than a mere straight man to the assortment of losers and misfits she has surrounded herself with. In the final analysis, the play's central conflict requires Lorrie to make a very serious decision - one that will determine the future of two lives.
Problem Child
Problem Child follows R.J. and Denise's attempts to restore their lives and their past to regain their baby, taken 'for its own safety' by the government. With only a prayer and a change of clothes, they move into a suburban motel to attempt a 'normal' life. Enter Phillie, the drunken landlord, who completes the picture of three social outcasts. These misfits come to depend on the person they resent the most - Helen, their social worker - for the desperately needed baby. R.J.'s frustration and Denise's instability are pushed to the limit as they clash with Helen's uncompromising ideals. Problem Child confronts ideas of personal and social justice as it gives a face to statistics and government mandates. It careens through situations and questions which challenge the ethics of an impersonal and judgmental society and leaves only a voice that would otherwise have remained silent.
Winter 2000 Production

By George F. Walker
Performances: February 2-5 & 9-12, 2000
Venue: Hagey Hall 180, Humanities Building
Cast for Featuring Loretta
Loretta - Trish Lanc
Dave - Sam Varteniuk
Michael - Trevor Martin
Sophie - Megan Flynn
Cast for Problem Child
Denise - Erin Kell
R.J. - Ted Pegg
Helen - Mia Praught
Phillie - David Tompa
Creative Team
Director for Problem Child - Trevor Copp
Director for Featuring Loretta - Jay D’aoust
Set/Costume Design - Jenna Pollard
Lighting Design - Stephen Bailey
Sound Design - Greg Leclair with Raj Gill
Production Team
Problem Child
Stage Manager - Rob Paul
Asst. Stage Manager - Carolyn Magwood
Featuring Loretta
Stage Manager - Dale Boyer
Asst. Stage Manager - Jen Waescher
Fight Choreographer - Brad Goddard
Student Production Manager - Stephen Bailey
Technical Director/HH180 - Paul Moukperian
Head of Carpentry/Scenic Paint - Erica McNiece
Carpentry/Scenic Painting Crew - Jef Gagnon, Natalie Herr, Roberto Machado
Head of Lighting - Dave Grant
Lighting Crew - Stacey Bartlett, Fredrick Oerling, Mia Paught
Sound Crew - Raj Gill
Props Crew - Elizabeth Almeida, Frank Canino
Wardrobe Crew - Roisin Bonner, Trevor Copp
Publicity - Joyce Hahn
Publicity/FOH Assistant - Joanne Cope
Technical Director/Theatre of the Arts - Scott Spidell
Resident Costumier - Jocelyne Sobeski
Special Thank yous to:
Arts Loyola Live
Burlington Student Theatre
Evan Blahut
Rainer Noack
Candi Apples
Christine Brubacker
Ron Jeremy
John Ritter