
Winter 2008 Production

By​ Molière

Directed by: Jim Warren

Performances: March 12-15, 2008

Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building


Orgon - Michael Albert

Mariane - Amy O’Grady

Elmire - Kristi Dukovic

Damis - Garth Graham

Mme. Pernelle - Julie Kern

Cleante - Dan Cristofori

Dorine - Whitney Allen

Valère - Adam Proulx

Tartuffe - Reid Vanier

Laurent/Officer - Marc Rowley

Monsieur Loyal - Wes Rowley

Flipote - Eileen Li


Director - Jim Warren

Assistant Director - Michael Klein

Set Design - Kendra Marr, Jessica Moore

Set Design Advisor - William Chesney

Costume Design - Jocelyne Sobeski

Lighting Design - Sharon Reid

Sound Design - Andy Allen


Stage Manager - Shelby Errygers

Assistant Stage Managers - Keriece Harris, Heather Muir, Brenda Pilatzke

Head of Production - Jennifer O’Connor

Production Manager - Miranda E.J. Warner

Technical Consultant - Scott Spidell

Staff Carpenters - Fraser Smith, Brad Stephenson

Head of Carpentry - Marc Rowley

Carpentry Crew - Fran Barker, Jenna Kennedy, Kayla Pratt

Head of Props/Scenic Painting - Kendra Marr, Jessica Moore

Props/Scenic Painting Crew - Fran Barker, Rachel Barna, Paul Carere, Jeremy Hawkins, Kristi Irving, Lisa McCallum, Darcy Patrick, Kate Teddiman

Head of Lighting - Laisa Gillis

Lighting Crew - Jessalyn Broadfoot, Shawn Desouza-Coelho, David lam, Cassandra Piroutz, Amber Regier, Kate Teddiman

Publicity - Robin Atchison

Publicity Crew - Jeremy Hawkins

Poster - Yen Chu Design

Sound Operator - Tom Fawcett

Wardrobe Independent Study - Miranda Francis, Kelly McNeely

Wardrobe Crew - Rachel Barna, Alex Hopf, Maddie Needles, Darcy Patrick, Reanna Sartoretto, Sukhpreet Sangha

Program - Jeremy Hawkins, Michael Klein

Thank You

George Ignatieff Theatre, Trinity College, University of Toronto

Paul Ord at the University of Guelph

Stratford Shakespeare Festival

Gerd Hauck