The serpent-like hypocrite Tartuffe has entrenched himself firmly in the home of wealthy Parisian patriarch Orgon who, charmed by his seeming piety, is duped into bequeathing to the impostor all of his earthly belongings, including his money, his house, his daughter, and (almost) his wife. Everyone in the Orgon family sees through the scoundrel Tartuffe's machinations, but it will take a great deal of courage and imagination on the part of his wife to save the family from eviction and to keep the innocent from scandal and prison. Performed in a contemporary translation by Ranjit Bolt, Tartuffe was directed by Toronto’s Soulpepper Theatre Company actor/director Jim Warren.
Winter 2008 Production

By Molière
Directed by: Jim Warren
Performances: March 12-15, 2008
Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building
Orgon - Michael Albert
Mariane - Amy O’Grady
Elmire - Kristi Dukovic
Damis - Garth Graham
Mme. Pernelle - Julie Kern
Cleante - Dan Cristofori
Dorine - Whitney Allen
Valère - Adam Proulx
Tartuffe - Reid Vanier
Laurent/Officer - Marc Rowley
Monsieur Loyal - Wes Rowley
Flipote - Eileen Li
Director - Jim Warren
Assistant Director - Michael Klein
Set Design - Kendra Marr, Jessica Moore
Set Design Advisor - William Chesney
Costume Design - Jocelyne Sobeski
Lighting Design - Sharon Reid
Sound Design - Andy Allen
Stage Manager - Shelby Errygers
Assistant Stage Managers - Keriece Harris, Heather Muir, Brenda Pilatzke
Head of Production - Jennifer O’Connor
Production Manager - Miranda E.J. Warner
Technical Consultant - Scott Spidell
Staff Carpenters - Fraser Smith, Brad Stephenson
Head of Carpentry - Marc Rowley
Carpentry Crew - Fran Barker, Jenna Kennedy, Kayla Pratt
Head of Props/Scenic Painting - Kendra Marr, Jessica Moore
Props/Scenic Painting Crew - Fran Barker, Rachel Barna, Paul Carere, Jeremy Hawkins, Kristi Irving, Lisa McCallum, Darcy Patrick, Kate Teddiman
Head of Lighting - Laisa Gillis
Lighting Crew - Jessalyn Broadfoot, Shawn Desouza-Coelho, David lam, Cassandra Piroutz, Amber Regier, Kate Teddiman
Publicity - Robin Atchison
Publicity Crew - Jeremy Hawkins
Poster - Yen Chu Design
Sound Operator - Tom Fawcett
Wardrobe Independent Study - Miranda Francis, Kelly McNeely
Wardrobe Crew - Rachel Barna, Alex Hopf, Maddie Needles, Darcy Patrick, Reanna Sartoretto, Sukhpreet Sangha
Program - Jeremy Hawkins, Michael Klein
Thank You
George Ignatieff Theatre, Trinity College, University of Toronto
Paul Ord at the University of Guelph
Stratford Shakespeare Festival
Gerd Hauck