Tartuffe 1991

The first three acts of Tartuffe, originally performed in 1664 under the title of "Pleasure of the Enchanted Island" fell under royal interdict. The King forbade the public performance, "depraving himself of a pleasure that others less capable of a just discernment between vice and virtue might not be led astray." Not until 1669 did Louis XIV permit the play to be performed in its entirety.

Although Tartuffe was written more than 300 years ago, this satire continues to be an audience favourite. The themes are familiar. After all, did you make a pledge to Jim and Tammy? Was it not the president who said in his inaugural speech "A new breeze is blowing, and a nation refreshed by freedom stands ready to move on?" Move on to what, a new world order? What CNN repot have you seen lately that is not about the the lifting of yet another mask?

-Darlene Spencer

Winter 1991 Production

By Molière

​Translated by: Richard Wilbur

Directed by: Darlene Spencer

Performances: March 19 & 21-23, 1991

Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building


Mme. Pernelle - Cathy Haavaldsrud

Flipote - Tamara Knezic

Elmire - Kim Motz

Marianne - Mary Moore

Dorine - Karen Morten

Damis - Bernard Kearney

Cléante - Craig Mason

Orgon - Andrew Rukavina

Valère - Mark McGrinder

Tartuffe - Mark Houlahan

M. Loyal - Tim Rogers

Police Officer - John Salvini

Creative Team

Director – Darlene Spencer

Set Design – Stephen Degenstein

Set Design Assistants – Drama 332 Class

Lighting Design – Claudia Heinemann

Costume Coordinator – Jocelyne Sobeski

Production Team

Production Manager – Brianna Wherry

Stage Manager - Cathy Prendergast

Properties Master – Naomi Snieckus

Costume Mistress – Les Storm

Master Carpenter – Karri North

Sound Operator – Kathy MacGregor

Master Electrician - Mike Poole

Lighting Board Operator – Mike Glussich

Assistant Stage Managers – Tanya Ross, Terry Tremeer

Publicity – Joyce Hahn

Photography – Terry Gauchet

Crew - Drama 244 Class

Special Thanks

UWaterloo Theatre Centre

Alex Kordics

Arnold Beohm, of the Waterloo Regional Police Association Boxing Academy

Mr & Mrs Hoselton

Chris Reid