The Tempest

Director's Note

Fall 2004 Production

By William Shakespeare

Directed by: Julie Hartley

​Performances: November 17-20, 2004

Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building


Alonso - Joel Young

Sebastia - Natalie Mathieson

Prospero - Greg Carere

Antonio - Rasheed Ali

Ferdinand - Bryan Quinlan

Gonzalo - Melanie Bennett

Adrian - Kristin Wallace

Fransisco - Tamara Maurer

Caliban - Greg More

Trinculo - Jennifer Scullion

Staphano - Celeste Dickson

Master - Bryan Quinlan

Boatswain - Daniel Bacinello

Mariners - Kristin Wallace, Tamara Maurer

Miranda - Michelle Logan

Ariel - Amanda Kind

Natives - Brianne Gergovich, Bridget Myers, Celeste Dickson, Jennifer Scullion, Jessica O’Connor, Daniel Bacinello, Whitney Allen


Director - Julie Hartley

Assistant Director - Julia Harries

Set Design - William Chesney

Assistant Designer - Miranda E.J. Warner

Costume Design - Jocelyne Sobeski

Lighting Design - Scott Spidell

Sound Design - Fraser Smith

Musical Director - Amanda Kind


Stage Manager - Samantha Leask

Assistant Stage Managers - Diana Knoll, Jacqui Kaiser, James Peltzer

Production Manager - Robyn Gmeindl

Technical Director - Scott Spidell

Assistant Technical Director - Fraser Smith

Publicity - Robin Atchison

Publicity/FOH Crew - Melanie Bennett, Tara Velanoff

Program - Drama 301 Class

Head of Lighting - Danielle Jewinski

Lighting Crew - Brad Cook, Amy Cruickshank, Jonathan Davoodi, Mark Folkes

Carpentry Head - Gill Lesperance

Carpentry Crew - Ashley Bissonette, Greg Carere, Sabina Medarevic, Tara Parachuk, Brendan Riggs, Lindsay Weber

Paint Head - Emily Schooler

Props Head - Emily Howard

Paint and Props Crew - Julie Atchison, Stephanie Casselman, Jennifer Lorbetski, Bridget Myers

Wardrobe Head - Viktorija Kovac

Wardrobe Crew - Casse Ahrens, Jesse Ariss, Diana Costa, Michelle Jedrzejewski, Michelle Logan, Soraya Marinho, Michelle Williamson

Sound Operator - Amy Tait

Digital Images - Steve Ryder


The Grand Theatre (London), The Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People (Toronto), Doug Moore at Dynamics, Chritie Digital, Matt Ferrell, Peter Carette, Peter Houston (Theatre Centre, UW), Ben deSchiffert (Inter-Tech Controls), Bob Campling and John Parachuk (Kellogg’s Canada) for their generous sponsorship of the program, Yen Chu Design